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March 14, 2006
Back from San D. Time for 90210!
Hi y'all! I'm back! And what was waiting for me when I returned? A stack of 90210 trivia from Halacious P. Woo hoo! Hal challenged me due to my comment in my last post about wanting to cross the border and smuggle drugs back, ala 90210.
Hmmm....I watched a bunch-o-90210 (proudly, as a matter of fact) back in the day, and I don't recall a drug smuggling caper like that.
Dude, please. Don't EVEN try and out-90210 me. Dylan smuggled drugs back from Mexico twice, using a different girl as a mule each time, stashing the heroin into the base of a fertility statue that he bought for each of the gals (Kelly and Gina). Later, when Dylan was (again) clean, he and Kelly went back to Mexico to smuggle prescription drugs for Matt's schizophrenic wife, who could no longer get her "good drugs" in the US, b/c they were killing her.
Nevertheless, allow me to sort of tag you and test your 90210 trivia knowledge:
Yay! Love that!

1. Which 90210 character was the first to meet Dylan, and what happened to them? (Hint, it wasn't Brenda).
Kelly. In kindergarten. They ended up making out in the series finale, leaving us with hope that they may end up together after all.
2. Which "Mamas and the Papas" member and her daughter made separate appearances on 90210, and who did they play?
Trick question. Michelle Phillips played Abby, Val's mom, on several episodes. Her daughter never appeared on the show, but her stepdaughter, Mackenzie Phillips, did. She played a drug counselor during an intervention on behalf of Dylan, who had fallen off the wagon (again).
Well done, Hal!
4. What kind of car did Brandon drive to school on his and Brenda's first day at West Beverly (Hint: It wasn't Mondale).
Only in the pilot, Brandon drove a brown POS two-door hatchback thingy. I don't know cars well enough to know exactly what it was, but I know that when Brandon and Brenda got out of the car on their first day at West Bev, they discussed needing an increase in their allowance.
Also in the pilot, the Walsh house was a different exterior (two-story brick middle-America looking house) but the same interior that would be used throughout the series.
Also in the pilot, the twins (and their peers) were juniors in high school (and the school had valet parking). When the series got picked up, they magically became sophomores (at a school that no longer had valet parking), to give them more years of the series based in high school. AND! Brandon DANCED in the pilot. After that, he began his policy of never dancing. Additionally, they brought in the Dylan character for the series. He must've been absent from West Bev for the couple of weeks covered in the two-hour pilot, considering that he had been in school with Kelly for ten years by then.
While I'm listing... also in the pilot, Mrs. Teasley (vice principal) was nowhere to be found although, early in the first season, the actress who played Mrs. T was a researcher at UCLA by a different name, where the Walsh kids participated in a twin study.
The actress who played Mrs. T wasn't the only actor to play two roles over the course of the series. Randy Spelling was a fellow "Beverly Hills Beach Club" employee in the first summer season. Later, he was introduced as one of Steve's half-brothers. The future "Stuart Carson" (Brenda's fiancé) was once a bellhop in Palm Springs who helped put Brenda up in a broom closet when she couldn't find the hotel Dylan was staying in. And, the future "Camille" (Donna's business partner and David's girlfriend) was first on the show as a lesbian with whom Steve and Brandon inadvertently double dated.
Of course, there were also a few roles for which we saw two actors cast. Both Dylan's dad and Kelly's dad were played by two different men, each. Donna's mom and Kelly's mom were each played by two different women. Erica (Dylan's half-sister) was played by two different girls. And Andrea Zuckerman's grandmother was at least two different actresses, if not three.
5. How many members of the Walsh family were still part of the cast when the show finally ended its run in 2000?
Brandon Walsh made a final appearance in the last episode via videotaped messages to the bride and groom, but Jason Priestley was only in the credits as a producer by that season. None of the actors who played members of the Walsh family were in the series regular credits by season ten. Jason Priestly was in the credits both as producer and "very special guest appearance" in that last episode, but I'd say the answer to the question, technically, is zero.
6. What line did Valerie use to pick up Dylan?
Hmm. I seem to recall it being something about a pool cue and, "Are you going to use that thing?" He had it up on her shoulder, I believe.
7. What nickname did Nat's brother call him?
Ooh! I don't know!!!!!! Good stump, Hal! Wow! I seriously don't know the answer to this one! Well done!
8. What fictional TV show did Steve's mom star in?
The Hartley House.
9. What was the name of the son on said show?
10. Which Melrose Place character did Kelly have an unhealthy crush on?
11. What did Brandon's opponent in the student body presidential election call him?
The chancellor's lackey.
Anything else? ;) Hee! This was fun! Thanks, Hal!
It's good to be home. YAY!
Posted by bonnie at March 14, 2006 5:54 PM
I will now grade your exam.
1. Which 90210 character was the first to meet Dylan, and what happened to them? (Hint, it wasn't Brenda).
Kelly. In kindergarten. They ended up making out in the series finale, leaving us with hope that they may end up together after all.
I checked with the judges on this one, and you unfortunately don't get credit. Part of it is my fault. It is true that Dylan and Kelly had first met as part of the back story when they were younger (though I thought they were in the same third grade class). I should have phrased the question to mean which character in an actual episode of the show was the first to meet Dylan. You will still get extra credit if you also mentioned what happened to him. So take another shot at that (that was a hint, by the way).
2. Which "Mamas and the Papas" member and her daughter made separate appearances on 90210, and who did they play?
Trick question. Michelle Phillips played Abby, Val's mom, on several episodes. Her daughter never appeared on the show, but her stepdaughter, Mackenzie Phillips, did. She played a drug counselor during an intervention on behalf of Dylan, who had fallen off the wagon (again).
Correct, though I thought Mackenzie Phillips is Michelle's actual daughter and not a step. But you got the people right so you get credit.
Well done, Hal!
I try.
4. What kind of car did Brandon drive to school on his and Brenda's first day at West Beverly (Hint: It wasn't Mondale).
Only in the pilot, Brandon drove a brown POS two-door hatchback thingy. I don't know cars well enough to know exactly what it was, but I know that when Brandon and Brenda got out of the car on their first day at West Bev, they discussed needing an increase in their allowance.
Good enough. It was a brown Chevy Chevette (or shove-it, as some people would call it).
Also in the pilot, the Walsh house was a different exterior (two-story brick middle-America looking house) but the same interior that would be used throughout the series.
Also in the pilot, the twins (and their peers) were juniors in high school (and the school had valet parking). When the series got picked up, they magically became sophomores (at a school that no longer had valet parking), to give them more years of the series based in high school. AND! Brandon DANCED in the pilot. After that, he began his policy of never dancing. Additionally, they brought in the Dylan character for the series. He must've been absent from West Bev for the couple of weeks covered in the two-hour pilot, considering that he had been in school with Kelly for ten years by then.
While I'm listing... also in the pilot, Mrs. Teasley (vice principal) was nowhere to be found although, early in the first season, the actress who played Mrs. T was a researcher at UCLA by a different name, where the Walsh kids participated in a twin study.
The actress who played Mrs. T wasn't the only actor to play two roles over the course of the series. Randy Spelling was a fellow "Beverly Hills Beach Club" employee in the first summer season. Later, he was introduced as one of Steve's half-brothers. The future "Stuart Carson" (Brenda's fiancé) was once a bellhop in Palm Springs who helped put Brenda up in a broom closet when she couldn't find the hotel Dylan was staying in. And, the future "Camille" (Donna's business partner and David's girlfriend) was first on the show as a lesbian with whom Steve and Brandon inadvertently double dated.
Of course, there were also a few roles for which we saw two actors cast. Both Dylan's dad and Kelly's dad were played by two different men, each. Donna's mom and Kelly's mom were each played by two different women. Erica (Dylan's half-sister) was played by two different girls. And Andrea Zuckerman's grandmother was at least two different actresses, if not three.
You're a teacher's pet, Bonnie. You've gone above and beyond the call of duty.
5. How many members of the Walsh family were still part of the cast when the show finally ended its run in 2000?
Brandon Walsh made a final appearance in the last episode via videotaped messages to the bride and groom, but Jason Priestley was only in the credits as a producer by that season. None of the actors who played members of the Walsh family were in the series regular credits by season ten. Jason Priestly was in the credits both as producer and "very special guest appearance" in that last episode, but I'd say the answer to the question, technically, is zero.
Correct. Zero.
6. What line did Valerie use to pick up Dylan?
Hmm. I seem to recall it being something about a pool cue and, "Are you going to use that thing?" He had it up on her shoulder, I believe.
Not quite. She said, "Is that a pool cue in your hand, or are you glad to see me?"
7. What nickname did Nat's brother call him?
Ooh! I don't know!!!!!! Good stump, Hal! Wow! I seriously don't know the answer to this one! Well done!
It was Butch. Nat's brother appeared in the storyline where Nat had had a heart attack. The brother was going to sell his share of the Peach Pit, which would force it to close because Nat didn't have the resources to keep it going. This prompted Dylan to step up to the plate and buy that share.
8. What fictional TV show did Steve's mom star in?
The Hartley House.
9. What was the name of the son on said show?
Correct again!
10. Which Melrose Place character did Kelly have an unhealthy crush on?
11. What did Brandon's opponent in the student body presidential election call him?
The chancellor's lackey.
So you got 7/10. Not bad.
Now for the drug smuggling bit, that's all after I stopped watching, so I wouldn't know. For me, the show jumped the shark when the Noxema girl came on. Not because of anything she did, but because Dylan was suddenly driving around the exact same Porsche he had totaled the previous season.
Posted by: Hal_Perry at March 14, 2006 6:43 PM
Welcome Home.
I have a headache.
Posted by: Ed R at March 14, 2006 6:51 PM
Bonnie, you are my hero for knowing all of this. And Hal is pretty cool too.
I'm not sure if this has come up or not (and if it hasn't, I'm shocked) (and maybe it DID come up in our epic thread, but I can't remember right now) (gosh darnit, if it hasn't come up in our epic thread, then I should probably go write all about it right now) but I watched all of the 90210 kids graduate from California University. And when I say I watched them graduate from California University, I don't mean that I watched it on TV. I watched it live. In person. YES. I WAS THERE.
How, you ask? Well, they filmed all of the exterior college scenes at my college. So in a sense I went to college with all of the 90210 kids. I never met any of them, but I think I walked by most of them, at one time or another. Occasionally, I would have to take an alternate route to my English class because Steve Sanders (is that how you spell his last name?) was filming in front of the main entrance, things like that.
In the spirit of 90210 trivia, I'm going to ask you: At what college were the California University scenes from 90210 filmed?
Posted by: Erik at March 14, 2006 8:43 PM