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March 18, 2006
Early Screening
Very excited! I'm on my way to pick up my hot date (Jesse Luke Dunn, star of Chandler Hall) and we'll head over to Venice in my cute little car. Why?

To attend the world premiere screening of Chandler Hall at the Other Venice Film Festival.

Yippee! Screenings are fun! Dates with cute boys are fun!
PS--Keith has dates today too, so don't feel sad for him. ;)
PPS--Nelson, kick ass tomorrow in the marathon!
PPPS--Welcome, StumbleUpon visitors! And thanks, SilverSurfer for the thumb's up!
Posted by bonnie at March 18, 2006 8:25 AM
He's more than a little young for you, Bonnie.;)
Posted by: Ed R at March 18, 2006 10:37 AM
Big, big fan of StumbleUpon. But, because of my addictive personality, I try to avoid it.
I'm glad I got here old school style, baby.
Posted by: Leemer at March 18, 2006 11:46 AM
I don't know what to say to you for introducing me to StumbleUpon except maybe...
YOU BITCH!!!! OMG, I will NEVER get ANY work done EVER EVER AGAIN!!!
Hope you're having a nice date.
Posted by: communicatrix at March 18, 2006 4:02 PM
Ed R said: He's more than a little young for you, Bonnie.;)
Uh-huh. That's the way (uh-huh, uh-huh) I like it. ;) Besides, his girlfriend's mom Googles him and reports back, so this will be fun for when that happens. Heee!
Leemer said: Big, big fan of StumbleUpon. But, because of my addictive personality, I try to avoid it.
Isn't it great? I too limit my time with StumbleUpon, but when I take a break to play Deal or No Deal on AddictingGames.com or do a few Stumbles, I'm always rightly pleased with what comes up. I'm just so happy to have been reviewed! Yay, me!
Leemer also said: I'm glad I got here old school style, baby.
Me too, love. You've been here a long time. I appreciate that. Really. Honest.
communicatrix said: I don't know what to say to you for introducing me to StumbleUpon except maybe...
Wait! YOU didn't know about StumbleUpon??? Wow! You gave me so much GREAT food for thought after your SXSW reviews that I was SURE you'd seen and heard about all cool web things! Wow! I guess I'm... uh... happy I could share a new thing with you??? Um...
communicatrix screamed: YOU BITCH!!!! OMG, I will NEVER get ANY work done EVER EVER AGAIN!!!
Oh yes you will so get work done. I've seen your drive and determination and willpower and Virgoness kick in. You'll find a way. I'm sure of it. ;)
communicatrix continued: Sigh...
Hope you're having a nice date.
Date was way awesome. Way. I also had a surprise bonus date for lunch and I simply cannot WAIT to blog about it! Heeeeeeeee!
Just have to get some more work done on my Showfax column first. Then more blogging. Yay!
Ooh... but first, let's see what StumbleUpon has come up with for me since last-look. ;) Heeee!
Posted by: Bon at March 18, 2006 4:40 PM
I now have a theory about broken comments. It looks like, as soon as I create a NEW entry, commenting on previous entries is disabled.
Does that make sense? Chip? Maybe?
Posted by: Bon at March 18, 2006 4:45 PM
Someone tell me what StumbleUpon is?
Posted by: Ed R at March 18, 2006 5:05 PM