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March 20, 2006
Okay, that's it...
I think I've figured it out.
Comments break just after 11 hours. Case in point: Ed was able to comment at 2:04am on a post made at 3:08pm and I was NOT able to comment in reply to Ed's comment at 2:44am.
So, that's not quite 12 hours... or could it be the number of comments? Does that equal "full" in the MovableType-universe?
I'm so cornfused.
Well, anyway.
This is what I was going to say, in reply to your 2:04am comment, Sir Ed:
Yup. My "SixHundy." I've loved it for over two years now. People say, "Wow. That's a big phone." And I reply, "Yeah, but it's a TINY computer."PS--Isn't The Shield an effin' kickass show? Man, I'm lovin' the season one marathon on Spike(notLee)TV.Love it.
I've posted blog entries from it several times. It rocks.
And yeah, it cost too much, but considering how every-every-every day I use it, it's worth it.
Posted by bonnie at March 20, 2006 2:49 AM
Testing comments on an older post.
Posted by: Bon at March 20, 2006 3:44 AM
Okay, so clearly it's not an issue of "newer posts make older posts un-commentable." It's more of an expiration date, methinks. Debugging is fun!
Posted by: Bon at March 20, 2006 3:45 AM
And now testing a comment at the "older" entry after having made a comment at the "newer" entry.
(Sorry for all of the comments. Just trying to debug.)
Posted by: Bon at March 20, 2006 3:48 AM
Wait...you have a Treo that works? Is this what I'm hearing? Who's your carrier? Please tell me Cingular. Please tell me you don't have multiple freezes and crashes. God, I am DYING for a Treo....
Posted by: communicatrix at March 20, 2006 8:26 AM
This comment will self destruct in......I think there's a default setting in MT that maintains your "international woman of mystery" status after "x" amount of comments. - Just a theory, is all.
Posted by: Jeannini-Nini at March 20, 2006 9:58 AM
Coco asked/said: Wait...you have a Treo that works? Is this what I'm hearing? Who's your carrier? Please tell me Cingular. Please tell me you don't have multiple freezes and crashes. God, I am DYING for a Treo....
Coco, I have had a Treo 600 since February 6, 2004. I LOVE it. I have had a couple of issues (all well-documented here in the BonBlogs--search "SixHundy" and/or "Treo" and/or "Cingular") but none that make me regret a penny spent or regard an instant with my SixHundy as "wasted."
I am with Cingular. All good experiences except for a billing issue that has nothing to do with the Treo and everything to do with the idiot who didn't upgrade my contract per terms documented IN WRITING, thus causing a year of roaming charges and no rollover that it took a lot of energy to get fixed ('cause, y'know, it's my fault for not having CHECKED to be sure they activated the contract I left the store with a carbon copy of).
Anyway, yes. Nearly two years and two months with the Cingular/Treo 600 combo and I'm happy as can be. I blog from it, email from it, take photos with it, keep up with all of my 7500 contacts using it (though the Entourage/Palm sync isn't perfect--I have to PICK which address I want to show up in the Palm, since Entourage will only store two addresses (work and home) on the Mac, not on the handheld), and occassionally call home on it. ;)
I'll whip it out and play with it in front of you the next time I see you. (Heeeee! Mark it!)
Oh, and Nini... I LOVE your theory. I think that might just be it!
PS--Why does thread-count matter? Are sheets with a higher thread-count more comfy to sleep on? Anyone?
Posted by: Bon at March 20, 2006 3:30 PM