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March 15, 2006
Woo hoo!
So, I love today. Not only do I have a date set with my NBF* KiKi** and his PAM*** for next month, I was treated to a half-hour long high-speed chase LIVE on KCAL-9.

The best part: this one came within 18 blocks of the Gillespie-Johnson household. Heeeeee! I am such a geek!
*New Best Friend
***PunkAss Mom
PS--Are comments broken? Ames says so. :( I'll try to monkey with a setting (again) and see if it helps.
Posted by bonnie at March 15, 2006 2:53 PM
Welcome back sweet one...........
Posted by: PameLa at March 15, 2006 8:52 PM
Our date is two weeks away, or thereabouts. PAM and I are both thrilled. I feel like we've known each other our whole lives--I cannot believe we've actually never met IRL. That's the funny thing about the internet.
And how exciting! A high speed chase! I had a similar experience about a year ago. I was driving home and there were several helicopters in the area and then when I got home I turned on the news to see if anything was going on and, yep, it was a high speed chase and as I watched it on the news I was like: "I was JUST THERE in my car five minutes ago!" The chase literally followed part of my route home.
How did your high speed chase end? Did they catch they guy? (I guess they always catch the guy when there are TV cameras involved, don't they?)
Posted by: Erik at March 15, 2006 9:03 PM
Yes, you ARE a geek.
But you got a nice rack.
Ow! KEITH! I was kidding!
Posted by: Ed R at March 15, 2006 11:28 PM