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April 10, 2006
Class of '88
Nabbed from MCJ.
Your senior year in High School is supposed to be "the best year of your life." Let's see how much you remember:

1. Who was your best friend? Candy Klein, who was away at college. God bless the Delta dad and long weekends at CMU.
2. What sports did you play? I was more of a mathlete than an athlete. I did, however, letter in sex.
4. What kind of car did you drive? 1980 Toyota Celica... "The Hatchmobile."
5. It's Friday night, where were you? Getting into some sort of trouble with my guys (the Greenstein twins and Avi, plus Snoopy and Pigpen, if they were in town).
6. Were you a party animal? 100% drug-free, but I did have a few nights of drinking (and by "a few," I do mean like single digits for the whole school year).
7. Were you in the "In Crowd"? Yeah. I just didn't realize it at the time.
8. Ever skip school? Oh, hell yeah! It was senior year! Duh!
9. Ever smoke? Not senior year. I was seriously good.

10. Were you a nerd? Was then, am now. Proud of it!
11. Did you get suspended/expelled? Ooh, came so so so very close! The story of how I was either going to receive an F in YEARBOOK, not be allowed to walk at my own graduation, or do a public apology in front of the entire senior class for having been drunk with power earlier senior year is still legendarily comedic. I'll tell ya some time over drinks. It's a great story.
12. Can you sing the Alma Mater? North Springs has an alma mater? Hmm. Who knew?!?
13. Who was your favorite teacher? Senior year? Hmm. Gosh, I guess my Spanish teacher, whose name escapes me right now. Man... that's sad. Well, most of the high-impact teachers I had were from earlier on in high school.
14. Favorite class? Trig/Analysis/Pre-Calc/Calc. Yes. Big geek. LOVES me some math.
15. What was the name of your school? North Springs High School. Go, Spartans!
16. School mascot? Oh... um... Spartans.
17. Did you go to Prom? Three times. Good fun.

18. If you could go back and do it over, would you? Nope. I'm good.
19. Favorite memories of your Senior Year? Doing the morning announcements with Keith Greenstein and Chip Thompson ("Good mornin' North Springs!"), doing Miss Aphrodite (again) with Faith Salie, nailing my SATs, working three jobs after school and on weekends, and nearly being thrown out of school over one of many "Bon takes a stand"-isms in my life.
*giggle* That was fun!
Posted by bonnie at April 10, 2006 8:57 AM
Did one of those stands you took involve saying "Donna Martin Graduates?"
Posted by: Hal_Perry at April 10, 2006 10:25 AM
I'm so old and beat down.
Posted by: Ed R at April 10, 2006 1:16 PM
Heeeeee! You'd think so, wouldn't you, Hal?
It's okay, Ed, you're not as old as Norm.
Posted by: Bon at April 10, 2006 4:16 PM
Yeah but I'm a lot more reclusive;)
Posted by: Ed R at April 10, 2006 8:44 PM
I dunno....you're way too gorgeous to be an '80s nerd/geek.
Posted by: Jeannini-Nini at April 11, 2006 8:41 AM
Oh, Nini... you are way too sweet! TOTAL nerd (me)!
Posted by: Bon at April 11, 2006 2:41 PM