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June 4, 2006

Other 14-Day Screenplayers

In my seemingly unending quest to procrastinate, I've decided to link to the blogs of other good folks out there who are taking the 14-Day Screenplay Challenge. (Notice their progress bars are actually MOVING.)

Go check on, encourage, poke, or otherwise worship AM, Chalkie, Dave, Delora, James, Lee Thomson, Matt Courtney (our enabler sponsor), oneslackmartian, Optimistic Reader, Pei, Robert Hogan, Robin Kelly, Twixter Scripter, and the brilliant Babes McPhee. Also worship Anna, who is using the 14-Day Challenge to do something so so so so so freakin' cool and brilliant (GO, girl)!

Now I'm going back into Moshi's world (yes, Jodi, I *did* name her Moshi) and not come out 'til I've hit page 20. Oh, crud. No. Not just yet. I have to do some casting stuff first. In case anyone tells you it's EASY to cut the list from 2800 actor submissions to about 75 actors you'll actually bring IN for auditions, they are dirty rotten liars and not to be trusted.

Posted by bonnie at June 4, 2006 5:59 PM


i just printed this out and framed it on my wall.

okay, i really didn't do that.

i spent about 3 hours outlining/character work this afternoon, now getting into the script again. i found out so friggin' much about my characters i did not know just a short time ago!

now it's on to page 50...my roomie is gone (hopefully for the night, but trying not to get my hopes up) so i hope i can just sit out here forever until i get there.

(btw, do you know that "moshi moshi" is how you answer the phone in japan?)

Posted by: babes at June 4, 2006 9:46 PM

Go, BonBon, go go go!!!

YCDI (you can do it). Not really an acronym if I have to explain it.


Gotta go watch a Tivo'd Nancy Grace to see if I can nail that impression...


Posted by: Anna at June 4, 2006 11:00 PM

good luck there, BB. I'm not behind after two days, but today I go back to work for The Man. If I eat lunch . . . I am lunch.


Posted by: adam at June 5, 2006 3:23 AM

Worship? Hey, that sounds like F-U-N!

Thanks for the encouragement.

Posted by: A. M. at June 5, 2006 2:49 PM

Yay! Moshi has survived through page EIGHT! Woo! My progress bar is moving! Yippee!

Posted by: Bon Author Profile Page at June 5, 2006 6:46 PM

I'm sort of playing along a little but I only have half a page. My first one, I doubt I'll get anything close to done in 14 days so I'm not officially 'entered', but there we are.

Posted by: Ed R at June 5, 2006 7:33 PM

How FUN!!

Posted by: JeanNiNi at June 9, 2006 5:57 PM