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June 16, 2006

Ow-oooooooot Tonight!

Singing like Mimi:
I've had a knack from way back / Breaking the rules once I learned the games / Get up / life's too quick / I know someplace sick / Where this chick'll dance in the flames / We don't need any money / I always get in for free / You can get in too if you get in with me / Let's go out tonight / I have to go out tonight / You wanna play? Let's run away / We won't be back / Before it's New Year's Day / Take me out tonight! Meow! / So let's find a bar / So dark we forget who we are / Where all the scars from the / Nevers and maybes die
Hee! *happy dance* Very soon, I'll hit the town with the lovely Miss Babes McPhee for some theatre and booze and more theatre.


We'll start off at Subject Line Here (and our ticket price goes to a good cause, so that's a great first event of the night--get all warm and fuzzy feeling, plus see the lovely CoCo doin' her thang).


Then, after drinks and snacks nearby, we'll head to Sacred Fools' critically-acclaimed late night show, Bukowsical! (starring several Friends of Bon; including two actors I've cast before--Kathi Copeland and David Lawrence). Very excited!

Do say hello, if you happen to spot us two silly girls catting about the 'wood on my first anniversary. *hee*

Re: Earthlink's shenanigans, I guess they either finished early or scrapped the plan only to screw us another day. After 10 hours offline, we're back. I hope for good. Man, wireless DSL can spoil a girl.

For those who were eagerly awaiting a review of the 12,000 BTU portable A/C, the review is in: IT'S A RAVE. Holy jeebus, my living room is an icebox! Yippee!

*basking while making casting phone calls*

Life remains the good.

Posted by bonnie at June 16, 2006 11:34 AM


Sacred Fools has another member who I think is very talented- Jaime Andrews.

Posted by: Ed R at June 16, 2006 12:01 PM

Don't see her (his?) photo at the site, but there's a Jamie Andrews (so, probably not the same person) who I LOVED for a role in "Shrinks" last year. Really fantastic actress.

Hmm. I'll be the lookout for your Jaime. Thanks!

And what are you doing keeping tabs on LA theatre?

Posted by: Bon Author Profile Page at June 16, 2006 12:15 PM

I'm sorry, I didn't know I wasn't allowed;)

I don't think she's in Bukowsical, according to the Sacred Fools web site anyway. I think she's in La Bete. And she does the Serial Killers stuff.
She's sort of a friend of a friend of a friend, and those friends just keep telling me to watch for her because it was only a matter of time before she was a big TV star. I never have the heart to tell them that I don't watch TV. ;)

Posted by: Ed R at June 16, 2006 12:30 PM

Y'know... now that I see her headshot over at http://imdb.com/name/nm1235577/ I think she may be the same gal I auditioned for "Shrinks" and liked so much. I guess I remembered the spelling of her name wrong. Hmm. I'd have to see her reel to be sure, and it's in stupid non-Mac formats at her website, so... *grumble* I refuse to install WMP. Bill Gates can suck my dick before I use more than his Excel and Word.


Where were we?

Oh yeah. That Jaime Andrews is very talented, if she's the same gal I'm remembering. Cool!

And you should watch TV. There's good stuffs there.

Posted by: Bon Author Profile Page at June 16, 2006 1:00 PM

Bill's stepping aside so he can devote more time to giving his money away. But I get the idea ;)
Don't think I've seen Jaime's reel, nor her website. Don't want to be a stalker.
As for TV, I can't afford it! Three years ago I was paying $75 a month so I could watch three or four hours of TV a month ( Kris Burtt on SNBC among that ), and I just figured 17.50 an hour for TV wasn't worth it. And that was for basic cable, no movie channels or anything. I just don't spend enough time in front of the tv to make it worthwhile. Maybe when I become a couch potato.

Posted by: Ed R at June 16, 2006 1:10 PM

oh my god bonnie i'm sitting here thinking what a kick ass awesome night it was!!!!!!!!!!!!!

everyone, be jealous. next we're taking over the world.

(i'll be pinky. bon is brain.)

Posted by: babes at June 17, 2006 1:13 AM


Posted by: Ed R at June 17, 2006 1:50 AM

oh and by the way, i performed "out tonight" in french with two other girls for our AP class...i wore a metallic blue pleather skirt.

"ce soir...ce soir...au dehors, ce soir!"

Posted by: babes at June 17, 2006 4:17 PM

ouch ouch ouch! my ears are burning. what a coincidence, bonnie - you just became my myspace friend (gooble gobble, gooble gobble, we accept her, we accept her...) and then our lovely sacred fools webmaster forwarded this to me, which he found during his search for la bete reviews.

i just wanted to say thanks to you and ed for such warm sentiments, they keep me going in this crazy business! (uhh, any ideas on a more direct route to this tv stardom?)

and bon, i'm a mac girl myself, didn't the real player work for ya? dang technology. and hey, i saw bukowsical the following wknd, wasn't it awesome? hope y'all can see la bete soon, it's as good as the reviews are saying...and promise you'll say hello!

whelp, have a great holiday and thanks again...i'm all kinds of blushing,

Posted by: Jaime Andrews at June 29, 2006 3:30 PM