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September 22, 2006
Car vs. House
Oh man. This is rich. Y'know those news stories about cars flying into homes and barreling through? Well, welcome to our 'hood today.
Just before 7:15am, there's a huge jolt to our building. It can't be an earthquake, though it feels like it might be. No... something has hit US. WTF, right?
Keith, who was sleeping in the bedroom, launched into the livingroom and to the front window, where I'm seeing a Volvo far, far "forward" of the other cars parked out front (including the TicTac).
I say, "Oh my GAWD! She hit the building!" (And I know she hit the frame because it was too big a jolt to have just been the garage door.) And then I watched her get back into her car and begin to back out. I asked Keith, "Is it okay for her to just leave?" And he, looking carefully at who this bird is, said, "Sure. It's her building."
Yup. The lady we make our rent check out to each month just creamed Bob's garage (and if you know Bob, you know he keeps his LIFE in there, so this should be interesting). Her son (our landlord) is now down there, inspecting the damage. So far, in the game of Russian Senior Citizen in Volvo vs. 1963 eight-family brick two-story dwelling, the score is 1-zip.
Posted by bonnie at September 22, 2006 7:44 AM
Holy jumping catfish Bonnie!!! What a wake up call!
Posted by: Mary Carlisle at September 22, 2006 8:08 AM
Well, aren't you just having the most interesting week! :) I have a couple car-hitting-building stories too - and one day you'll have to ask Terry what he did to his dad's garage. ;) Rest up, blog lots! :)
Posted by: Julie at September 22, 2006 9:54 AM
Not something I'd want to experience.
Posted by: Ed R at September 22, 2006 12:06 PM
Wow! I'm glad you guys are okay...Hopefully they can fix your building and you won't have to move!
Posted by: drc at September 22, 2006 1:33 PM
OMG and Holy crap! Glad you two are alright.
I haven't read the blog in 36 hours, and look at what has happened--ANTM, Alfonso's impatience, Andy's a Dick, and a GD building-car smackdown!
Posted by: Anna at September 22, 2006 3:05 PM
OMG, very glad you're okay. Next time we see each other IRL, you have to remind me to tell you about the time when I was 10 when a woman drove her van INTO OUR LIVING ROOM. (Like, not just into the wall of our house, the van actually came INTO OUR LIVING ROOM.)
Posted by: Erik at September 22, 2006 3:24 PM