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September 20, 2006
Weird Timing
Okay, so I went looking for an image (from a previous blog entry) of a bottle of NyQuil (turns out, all I had was a bottle of DayQuil, which isn't what I'm taking so it's not a useful image right this moment) and realized that almost exactly one year ago, I was sick like this.
What is UP with that weird timing?
So odd! I'm just pounding the NyQuil hard and staying cuddled up under my favorite wedding gift (the blanket the Tooles made for us) and hoping to get past this pretty quickly. Seems my over-zealous celebrating on Monday night took my resistance level down enough to get me all-out sick. Bleh. Oh well... life is good otherwise.
Posted by bonnie at September 20, 2006 3:24 PM
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Get better soon Bonnie!
Posted by: Mary Carlisle at September 20, 2006 4:45 PM
I had the crud this weekend. I finally feel better today. Hope you get over it soon.
Posted by: chip at September 20, 2006 5:19 PM
HOpe you're feeling better RIGHT NOW DAMMIT!
Posted by: Ed R at September 20, 2006 6:12 PM
Feel better, then better-er... Love Pam
Posted by: PameLa at September 20, 2006 7:16 PM
You know, I was under the weather myself almost a year ago because I remember getting sick either before or after I went to Ohio at the end of Sept. Weird!! is there any weird astrological stuff going on?
Posted by: Amy at September 20, 2006 9:44 PM
Too much alcohol laced kissing and fondling. ;)
Feel better soon, punkalunkin. I love you.
Posted by: Debra at September 20, 2006 11:43 PM
I'm sick too. I'm sure I got it from you, through MySpace. Ugh.
Posted by: Subhash at September 21, 2006 12:04 AM
Get well soon! Good healthy vibes shooting over your way.
Posted by: Nuance at September 21, 2006 12:16 AM
Ugh, I had it a couple of weeks ago. No. Fun. Now I'm trying to see whether taking Airborne before I fly will actually reduce the number of colds I get, because I always seem to get sick after taking a trip for work.
Or is it just that I'm allergic to work? Hmmm...
I hope you feel better soon!!!!
Posted by: Hannah at September 21, 2006 4:08 AM
Poor thing! Get better! I think NyQuil recently changed their formula (took out the pseudoephedrine) and it doesn't work as well for me or Terry anymore - you might want to supplement. ;) http://www.vicks.com/pseudoephederine_faq.shtml
Posted by: Julie at September 21, 2006 3:43 PM
Aww! Feel better!
I've been popping Flintstones with immunity booster since the beginning of August. The little darlings bring so many germs with them...and they don't know to cover their mouths yet. I've already been coughed on three times!
Posted by: Beth at September 21, 2006 5:21 PM