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October 22, 2006
Do you like the funny?
If so, then you should go buy shirts, mugs, and hats from one of my oldest-ago friends on the planet (er... we met in Quo Vadis Dixon's English class at North Springs High School in 1983).

Bonus: He's really talented and smart and funny and creative and even Mr. Wonderfulest.

To answer your questions about what I must've done wrong to shower my husband with public bloggy love, I did nothing wrong. He's just a good. And sometimes a good needs to be told he's a good. And in front of people. Nothing wrong with that.

Don't forget that you can keep voting for my niece Tiffany up 'til November 3rd. I'm convinced that she will always be in the smack-dab middle (as that's where she is every time I go vote, except for that one time when she was LAST and I spent the entire day voting until she was up to the middle... and yes that was the day that she led California to the tune of like 93%). Huge thanks to the other passionate sources of many votes. ;) Y'all rock.
What else? Um. I thought I had more updates, but I guess I don't. I've been spending the weekend updating the Casting Wiki like there is no tomorrow (sorry, Rockstar Intern Julie, that means more work for you... ready and waiting) and I think that'll be the topic of my next column, as working on the Casting Wiki has totally changed how I feel about keeping hardcopy headshots. And maybe I should say so.
Can you believe that I've only been casting for three years and eight months? FREAKY. Thank you to Parry Shen and Chad Darnell for recent really cool shoutouts. I really appreciate the love.
Oh, and hey, Santa Ana winds... could you GO AWAY please? Thanks.
Posted by bonnie at October 22, 2006 2:03 AM
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I'm voting now. Last time you linked, I think I clicked on it the day after voting closed?
Anyway, today I'm making it my mission to vote for her. Lots. 281 votes so far!
See? Even posted on my Blog about it - http://dogearedandfurry.blogspot.com/2006/10/catch-up.html
In the time I typed part of that entry, Tiffany got 30 something votes, Heather got 60-70 ish, and Caris got about 310... every time I voted at one point, Caris was getting 5 votes for every Tiffany vote I registered. I like a challenge, and even though I don't know you or Tiffany, I'm on a mission to not let the other girls get so far ahead (more than they are).
Tell Tiffany she's got a complete stranger from England mass voting for her, on a rainy Sunday [lol]. Maybe this will be good karma, and I'll find a stranger helps me out when I need it. It's not WHY I'm doing this - I'm doing it because Tiffany seems nice (and I swear she looks like one of the girls out of the "Bring It On Again" film), and you care enough to vote all day for her too.
Although I will have to alternate this and cleaning my bedroom [argh].
Posted by: Helen at October 22, 2006 7:33 AM
Glad you're loved up, Bon - it's a wonderful thing.
I just went for the joke.
Yes, I like the funny.
Posted by: Cliff at October 22, 2006 2:19 PM
I'm voting! :) And considering I have NEVER gotten along with cheerleaders, that's saying a lot. (I worked at Opryland Hotel where the high school kids have their over Christmas competition...I needed a vacation after that week!!) Still it's cool!!
Posted by: Beth at October 23, 2006 4:05 PM