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November 30, 2006
The numbers... updated
Hey Everyone,
I know you love those casting numbers! ;) Here they are, as of noon today.
0.....7.....29.....0.....0.....WOMAN HIT BY CAR
0.....31.....64.....0.....0.....TEEN BOY
Remember to add 'em all up. ;) Oh, you'll notice my "selected" numbers went down... that's going to continue to happen up 'til the prereads in mid-December. We're doing a LOT of "pre-prereads" using the actors' online demo reels.
I love casting!! This so so so so rocks! Yippee!
Posted by bonnie at 1:19 PM | Comments (4)
November 27, 2006
Congratulations to my niece Tiffany!
Congratulations to my niece Tiffany!

She's engaged! Woo!

So exciting! And surreal.
Posted by bonnie at 11:51 AM | Comments (4)
November 25, 2006
Broken Windows and Blue Men
So, if you've been keeping up with the numbers for Broken Windows submissions, you'll like this update.

As of Saturday the 25th at 7:30pm:
2.....14.....16.....0.....0.....WOMAN HIT BY CAR
0.....52.....39.....0.....0.....TEENAGED BOY
All of the numbers added together equal the total submissions. (I'll let y'all do the math.) Hee!
Anyway, that's submissions after one week and one day. Including days like Thanksgiving and "everyone is out of town" weekends. Pretty impressive. This is a big project. We have formal offers out to "name" actors on a couple of role. The pitches have been really dang cool. I'm excited.

I am LOVING the PBS special on Blue Man Group (Inside the Tube). I saw them in their original venue off-off Broadway in 1996 and I still can't imagine what their show must be like in such a large presentation (the theatre I went to had about 75 seats).
Anyway, migraine hell seems to be about over. I've done a lot of sleeping to try and recover from it. Still feel like I've been hit by a bus, but I guess I've felt much worse many times before. But coming that close to a "real" migraine for the first time in two years is scary stuff. Hate hate HATE that I had to miss Thanksgiving, but what'r'ya'gonna'do? When a migraine starts up, you hit the cold, dark, quiet room and stay put.
Back to work! Ooh! COPS is on! Yippee!
Posted by bonnie at 7:51 PM | Comments (2)
November 23, 2006
Thanksgiving Quiz
Well, it's not a Thanksgiving Quiz really. It's a "Bon woke up at 2am after having tried to go to sleep at a normal hour and she was bored bored bored and not at all interested in working *gasp* so she found an old quiz she'd saved from her niece Tiffany and is finally going to post her answers to the dang thing because, really, it's just been a way long time since she's done a quiz or a blog entry" quiz. Is that a better title for it?

1.) Where were you when the ball dropped for 2006?
Big Bad Bobby C's house. (Make sure you watch his new show, premiering Monday on TBS.)
2.) How did you get the idea for your MySpace name?
Bon is the basic nickname I've always had. *shrug* Not terribly creative, I know.
3) What are you listening to right now?
Watching old Law & Order episodes back to back on TNT. Listening to that, plus the waterfall kitty water thingy in the kitchen, Keith's frankenputer whirring.
4.) Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?
5.) What color underwear are you wearing?
Heh heh... animal print of some sort. I know, I'm such a pornstar.
6.) Do you live in a zoo?
7.) What did you do this morning?
Woke up late, took phone calls from agents and managers, worked on the early offers we put out for Broken Windows, and continued list-updating for this early stage of casting.
8.) What did your mom do for a living?
Charlsie was a world-renowned astrologer.

9.) Where do you work?
From my home.
10.) Are you happy?
11.) What are the last two digits of your phone number?
12.) What was the last concert you attended?
Pixies at The Greek.
13.) Who was with you?
14.) What was the last movie you watched?
Hmm... probably What the Bleep?!?, but I'm not sure.
15.) What do you dislike at the moment?
The clutter in my home.
16.) What food do you crave right now?
Chocolate, probably. (Although that stuffing looks reallllly good... damn gluten!)

17.) Did you dream last night?
18.) What was the last TV show you watched?
Law & Order.
19.) What is your favorite piece of jewelry?
My mother's (first) wedding band.
20.) Name someone on your Top 8 who is just like like you.
Who the heck is in my Top Friends right now? Hmm... I change it every week in honor of birthdays, so I'd have to check. Let's say my book and Hollywood Happy Hour are most like me. ;)
21.) What is the last thing you ate?
Cheddar cheese "chips" and homemade guacamole.
22.) Who is your best friend of the opposite sex?
23.) Who last IMed you?
I don't do the IM.
24.) Are you on any medication?

25.) What side of the bed do you sleep on?
The side closest to the door. Always.
26.) What color shirt are you wearing?
Black tank top. I'm cold.
27.) What color is your razor?
Lavender and white.
28.) Who is your favorite boy?
29.) How many tattoos/piercings do you have?
Two tattoos. Two piercings.
30.) What are your favorite stores?
The Apple Store, MAC Cosmetics, Body Shop, IKEA.
31.) Are you thirsty right now?
No, but I really should drink something.
32.) Can you imagine yourself ever getting married?
I can remember it. ;)

33.) Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and miss?
Mitchell Fink and Pamela Newlands have really been on my mind lately. Missing them.
34.) What did you do last night?
Wednesday night? Went to bed early and snuggled with Keith.
35.) Do you care what people think about you?
Sure, sometimes. Doesn't mean that "care" changes what I do or how I act.
36.) Have you ever done something to instigate trouble?
Oh, yes.
37.) Do you like your nose?
Yeah, since I grew into it at about 19.
38.) What color is your bedroom?
Lots of yellow, deep red, and rust/brown accents.
39.) When was the last time you worked out?
Some would say living with Keith is a workout.
40.) Do you have any pets?
Three cats.

41.) Do you like pedicures?
42.) Where do you live?
By the beach, baby.
43.) Are you an aggressive driver?
Never. Life's too short. And my Do Not Eat iPod is a great driving companion. (And I'm obsessed with being early, so I'm never in any big hurry to get anywhere. That helps.)
44.) Who is your cell phone carrier?
Cingular. But I only use the "phone" for email.
45.) What color is your car?
46.) What is your favorite color?
Yellow lately.
47.) Do you like mustard?
Sure, Dijon mustard.
48.) What do you tell yourself when times get hard?
Life is not about what happens to you. It's about the grace with which you handle it.

49.) Would you ever sky dive?
50.) What character from a movie/TV most reminds you of yourself?
51.) Have you ever bid for something on eBay?
52.) What do you think of Angelina Jolie?
She's gorgeous. And she's the one actor Keith will never be allowed to act opposite. Sorry, just playing the odds on that one.
53.) Do you enjoy giving hugs?
LOVE hugs. The world needs more of them.
54.) Would you consider yourself to be fashionable?
Lord, no. I am so my mother's daughter in that respect. I find something that I think looks good on me and buy about ten of IT, so that I can wear it all the time. Boring boring boring.
55.) Do you own a digital camera?
Yup. My dad and SM gave me their old one in December 2000. Yes, that's still the one I use. Yes, it weighs more than my computer.
56.) What celebrities have you been compared to?
Bette Midler, Barbra Streisand, Sara Jessica Parker, Annette O'Toole... more listed at my Little Known Facts page (which hasn't been updated in like forever).

57.) Who is your favorite Star Wars character?
58.) Does it annoy you when someone says "I'll call" but never do?
Nope. I hate the phone.
59.) What books, if any, have made you cry?
Oh, the Places You'll Go! because Mom gave me a copy when I was in undergrad and wrote love notes to me all through it.
60.) Where would you rather be right now?
La Costa Spa. Hawaii. Copperwynd. Catalina.
61.) Are you a jealous person?
Not even a little bit.
62.) Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat?
Good lord, no. Meat is yummy. Especially when it's all buttery and stuff.
63.) If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name be?
Mom always said there was no chance I was going to be born a male, so she never even contemplated male names. I truly believe, had I been born a male, that Mom would've authorized a radical operation. She was so OVER her sons at the time.
64.) What's your favorite fruit?
Crisp Granny Smith apples. Yum!
65.) Did you enjoy this survey?
Well, sure!
Posted by bonnie at 4:19 AM | Comments (1)
November 20, 2006
Hollywood Happy Hour, 12/11/06, 6:30pm
Hollywood Happy Hour, 12/11/06, 6:30pm
Please join us on Monday, December 11, 2006 for our next Hollywood Happy Hour with special guests, industry news and reviews, networking, loads of great prizes, yummy food, and adult beverages!

What: Hollywood Happy Hour filled with more fun than you could fathom! It's news, reviews, schmooze, and interviews!
Who: International entertainment reporter Nelson Aspen will chat with über-hyphenate Luke Yankee (seriously, we're talking actor-director-producer-teacher-casting director-author-playwright, here) and casting director Bonnie Gillespie with dish with rockstar agent Janet Tscha, head of adult commercial talent at Origin Talent. As usual, there will be a few surprise industry guests stopping by as well (I hear Julie Stevens is going to share tales from Life After Tomorrow)!
When: Monday, December 11, 2006, arrivals: 6pm; program starts at 6:30pm SHARP; schmoozefest from 7:45pm 'til they roll us out of there!
Where: Casey's, 613 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90017. Check out the photos at their website. We'll be on the gorgeous patio!
How Much: $5 CASH plus two items at the bar and/or restaurant (yes, sodas and food items count)!
What Else: goodie bags from our FANTASTIC sponsors for winners of our business-card drawing (make sure to bring your card) and trivia questions, lots of freebies (see below for complete list of awesome goodies)! Bring headshots for Janet and Bonnie!
Parking: well, it's downtown, which is complicated... but here's the good news: We have $5 parking after 5pm at 624 S. Grand (with $6.50 after 4pm parking just next door), plus $6 parking all day at 737 S. Grand. Bring cash and stay for the long haul! Wilshire dead-ends at Grand... freeway directions are at the venue's website. You can also take any Metro Line to the Metro Center at 7th and Broadway (it's only $1.35 each way and you're within a block of Casey's... no designated driver needed).
RSVP: with your name, number in your party, and any suggested questions for the Q&A segment to rsvp@hollywoodhappyhour.com ASAP. We WILL run out of space and cap the RSVPs at this venue.
Hope we'll see you there... and also on the HHH Mailing List/Yahoo Group and/or the HHH MySpace page 'til we see you next Happy Hour!
Feeling nostalgic? Everyone's uncle, the amazing Uncle Bob, has put our shows on "tape" for our audio archives... Yay!
Free! Goodie Bags loaded with fun California Poultry Federation stuff, cosmetics and aromatherapy treatments from Pampered People Spa, memo boards from Showfax, goodies from BizParentz.com, and fun AquaHooks custom-made for HHH!
Free! Entry into the Hollywood Happy Hour raffle for all--just bring a business card to drop in the fishbowl!
You could win:
* Free headshot printing at Argentum Studios
* Free photo shoot with Kyle Clicks Photography
* Tickets to shows at The Ark Theatre
* Card Packs from Acting Outside the Box
* Three months free with MyActingSite.com
* You Must Act! version 2.0 CD-Rom from Bob Fraser
* Private session with Commercial Break
* Discounted headshot sessions from New Face Photo
* Discounted voiceover sessions from Absolute Voice
* Entry fee waivers for the 2008 Flickering Image Film Festival
* Tickets to shows from Theatre District at the CAST
* Discounted headshot sessions from About Face Headshots
* Free soundtrack from The Wedding Video
* Promo DVDs with deleted scenes from A New Tomorrow
* Acting Is Everything by Judy Kerr and Acting Out by Stuart Stone
* Let's Dish Up a Dinner Party by Nelson Aspen
* Casting Qs and Self-Management for Actors by Bonnie Gillespie
* Acting Qs by Bonnie Gillespie and Blake Robbins
* Casting director labels from Landall's ActorDrops
* ActorTrack software and organizational books from world-famous Holdon Log
...and so much more!
(You must be present to win, natch.)
See you next happy hour!
Posted by bonnie at 12:23 PM | Comments (0)
November 17, 2006
Happy birthday to my favorite ex-boyfriend!
Hope you have a delicious birthday celebration, rockstar weekend, and the best new year of Chip EVER!

Much love to ya, Chipper! XXOO
PS--New breakdown going out this morning for a feature film with 50 (!) roles. Yippee!
Posted by bonnie at 10:57 AM | Comments (2)
November 16, 2006
Announcing THE ACTORS VOICE: POV at Showfax.com
From this week's Your Turn:
Hello, Actors Access,This is not the first email of its kind to come to my inbox. In fact, I've previously done my best to try and get good information from NY-based professionals in an attempt to provide at least something for the non-Hollywood readers of The Actors Voice.
First, thanks for your service. It's feature-rich, it's above average usability-wise, and--most importantly--it works.
But I have one big complaint; there is no column for working New York actors. LA-based hopefuls and professional alike have Bonnie and Mark. What do I have when I have questions about New York industry etiquette, or auditions, or the business part of show business? I've got nothin'.
Now, I'm proactive. I'm currently on hiatus from one show and rehearsing two others while working a corporate day job AND interning part-time in a talent agency. If I've still got questions after all that, don't you think a bunch of other New York actors do as well?
One day I hope to be knowledgeable enough to write a column for you about the New York industry. Until that day arrives (and to help it arrive sooner), could you find someone else to write it?
Thanks for your time. I look forward to hearing back from you!
However, the stars must've really been aligned when this particular email arrived. Within three days, I had emailed some ideas back and forth with Showfax general manager Bob Brody and was then having a power lunch with Gary Marsh, owner of Breakdown Services, pitching what I am proud to say will be rolling out soon. (Drumroll, please.)

Introducing The Actors Voice: POV!
That's right, STARTING TODAY (and running on the 1st and 15th of each month), I'll moderate a column from the POV of a casting director, agent, publicist, studio head, working actor, filmmaker, screenwriter, show-runner, or any other industry pro in another market. Look, we all know that Hollywood isn't the only place where actors can earn a living pursuing their dreams. Sure, it may be the place where the numbers are greatest, but in an ever-shrinking world where a willingness to embrace technology allows for real-time casting happening across several time zones, it's time to provide outstanding information from industry professionals worldwide! We've got you covered in every professional showbiz market imaginable. This is gonna ROCK, people! Thanks for encouraging us to bring you the best information possible, wherever you live! Glad to oblige.
Visit The Actors Voice: POV now! Woo!
Posted by bonnie at 2:30 PM | Comments (1)
November 15, 2006
Forget the Hot List
I've been spending so much time updating the wiki with "hot list" actors that I'm finding this to be a really nice break.

It's the cold list. Hee! Go, Film Threat. Very funny.
Sorry for the lack of blog contact. My life keeps redefining "busy" and that's really fun... but, uh, busy!
Posted by bonnie at 2:16 PM | Comments (0)
November 12, 2006
12 of 12 for November 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHAD! I hope your special 12 of 12 birthday edition was rockstar, like you!
Here's my 12 of 12 for November (click any photo to enlarge). Hope you'll share yours too!

12:53am: Home from Gimlet Night and approving BonBlogs comments while watching the

2:23am: Thwok is always quite curious. She'd like to see what I'm working on, please.

2:57am: Well, I'm doing the same thing I've been doing with just about every spare minute I can find for the past few weeks: getting the HILMMAKS name actor wiki in order. (Yes, this brings the number of wikis we've created to three. All for casting. Each too different to merge. Luckily, I love the geeky work and know that this stuff (which, I swear to GAWD is not a violation of copyright) is going to be a serious master database that I will use forever. It's just the setup that's time-consuming.) Anyway, had I taken any more photos of my life before going to bed at 6:45am, they'd have looked just like this one.

11:45am: One of my favorite things! I will wake up after a few hours' sleep, play a few games on my Palm Pilot (I call it "saving the world"), and then call out to Keith, saying, "Honey? Come be close." He does. And Archie, of course, does too. My furry boys.

1:35pm: Evidence that there was much PLAY going on as I slept. Do I bother straightening the rug? Again? I know Thwok will just tear it all up again tonight. Ah... it makes her happy. Gotta help along that cause. ;)

3:09pm: Time for breakfast! I know, my schedule is so dang weird. Anyway, it's two eggs with an ounce of cheese and a bit of crispy bacon. Yum! Love a low-carb start to the day. Really good for the energy-flow!

3:50pm: BONUS PIC! This month's bonus photo is THANKFUL. It was hard to choose one thing about which I'm truly grateful, as I spend so much of my life in a state of gratitude. I really have a blast pretty much every moment. And I am grateful for everything I see and feel every day. But the way the sun came in through the west window--hitting the crystal cousin Faith gave us and splattering the walls--was just lovely. So, I chose this as my expression of THANKS.

3:52pm: More of the lovely visual effects dancing on the walls.

6:15pm: My column is done for the week, so I've let my hair down, taken off my wrist-wrap, and begun reviewing the rest of the day's To Do List. Ugh (even though I do love lists). Still too much. Some of this will be done tomorrow. But most tonight. I am so so so so so glad that I have the kind of life that allows me to earn a living while others sleep.

6:20pm: I'm headed to the shower, but I had to get a photo of Keith and his many, many, many computers. You seriously can't see a fraction of them in this photo. Boys and their toys! I tell ya!

6:33pm: Shower. Ahhhhhhh.

6:44pm: Time for dinner! Leftovers from last night's yummy dinner (takeout from the Pacific Dining Car) at Gimlet Night. Seriously, their Filet Oscar is a thing of beauty. Especially delightful with a Ciroc Gimlet on the Rocks. Hmm... they ARE open 24 hours, aren't they? Hmm... Where are my keys? (Oh, crap... there's that To Do List. Ugh.)

7pm: Final moment of my November 12 of 12... that's the fat cat Archie, like a snake finding its heat rock in its terrarium. His is a PowerBook G4 12" on Keith's desk (whether or not Keith is working), thankee very much!
Hope you enjoyed my 12 of 12! I look forward to seeing yours too! See y'all next month.
Posted by bonnie at 8:02 PM | Comments (6)
November 11, 2006
12 of 12 is Sunday
I'm actually really tired, so I'm going to bed (also, the Frankenputer that Keith has been building is making a really loud whirring sound, so I'm annoyed at being in the same room with it. I'm also hungry. Overly hungry. Like where you're so hungry that you aren't hungry anymore, so go with it? Yeah. Like that. Sleep is like that too. Sometimes I get so sleepy that I wrap back around to not sleepy--or incapable of sleeping, probably--and just stay right on not sleeping. So, here I am, still not eating, but going to bed earlier than usual. Yes, I am aware that it is like 3:30am. What?).
12 of 12 is Sunday and if you've never done 12 of 12 then you definitely should do it this month because:
a. it's a Sunday, which means you won't be taking boring photos while you're at work (except for me... Sunday is the day I write my column)
b. the bonus photo is THANKSGIVING or whatever you're grateful for or whatever (that's always a good practice)
d. if you don't do 12 of 12 either this month or next (or both, I guess), then you can't say you've been doing it since its first year (and when it's as big as PostSecret or effin' YouTube and Chad makes $1.6 billion off it, you'll just be some sad Johnny Come Lately who started up in 2007 and everyone will say, "Oh, you are SO a year late," and you will cry).
Holly Cow, is this a post written in the style of Erik KiKi Patterson or what?!? Jeebus!
Anyway, charge your camera batteries, clear off your memory card, and get ready for a fun 12 of 12 on Sunday. Deal? Okay, now I'm to bed. XXOO
Posted by bonnie at 3:38 AM | Comments (3)
November 10, 2006
Friday Morning Search Party
Oh joy! Oh rapture! It's time for a Friday Morning Search Party. Woo!
Here's some stuff that led folks to the BonBlogs in the past month or so, and where I think they should've gone instead. Or somesuch.

I'm out like it's 1999 sayings: Wow! I don't think I ever said that, although I did hang out with a very clever cute boy on 12/31/99 who reached into his jacket pocket and withdrew a toy lion at some point, making me laugh 'til I spit champagne out of my nose.
dea vise leg: How random! Dea, how's your leg, baby? I knew your back was bad... but your leg? Very bizarre. Someone's checking on your gams, baby. Better put 'em in fishnets and prance! Meanwhile, keep churning out those lovely candles!
diet blessed bonnie: Sadly, no diet has ever truly blessed Bonnie. Perhaps a few have come close, but it seems I will always struggle with the scale in my life. Eh... no biggie. Some struggle with life and death, war and peace, good and evil. If my struggle is between fat and less-fat... *shrug* I've got it pretty dang easy.
denise chamian dropoffs: Interesting. I don't know if Denise accepts drop-offs, but I know a good CD resource page is here and maybe they have the deets you seek.
put your bra on: I think this may be my favorite. It's part of why I hate the "drop in" and always ask my rockstar intern to call just before she arrives. The bra--when the girls are this ample--must be ON in front of people.
artist's way julia cameron life pie: Not sure I'm the best source for this, but I did write about Julia's many artist resources in a grad school creative writing apologia. (Courtney, do you still have yours? I remember enjoying it.) Anyway, it's good for all artists and I think there's a variation on it at Talent PIMP too. (Sign up for free by visiting this link and entering promo code HHH.)
hollywood spy actor: Well, I'm not an actor (anymore) and I'm only a spy inasmuch as rockstar Chip lets me play on his way cool server, but I guess I'm technically in Hollywood, so... um... okay.
amazing babes: Babes McPhee is amazing. And she's a total rockstar. Hollywood heavy-hitter. You watch.
"What the heck, right?": I really like this one. Why anyone is searching this phrase, I do not know. But I love saying it and I think we should all do so. Often.
"celebrity d-list" "what the hell is": What makes this search extra special is the "hell" in the query. I mean, really. It's not enough that someone wants to know what the D-List is... it's that he or she wants to know what the HELL the D-List is. That's intense.
I think progress stopped with frozen pizza + movie: How the hell this landed someone at my blog, I will never know. But it's damn cool. And I respect you for searching. When do I get 31 Watermelons searches? WHEN?!?

I guess that's it. As always, I start out thinking the search party is going to be way fun... and then I realize it's probably only interesting to me. Like home movies. Eh... that just means I love y'all a ton. B/c why would I share my home movies with you otherwise, right?
Posted by bonnie at 1:33 AM | Comments (3)
November 8, 2006
I Want a Roomba for a Wrong Reason
I really want a Roomba.

I've wanted one for at least a year and a half now, but I think I've now realized WHY I want one.

It's like a socially approved method of torture for the animals.

That's gotta be worth the couple hundred bucks, right? (Click here for a great example/puppy-torture video.)
Posted by bonnie at 11:32 PM | Comments (2)
November 7, 2006
Hollywood Happy Hour... sneak peek of news!
Okay, so the actual news-news will roll out shortly, but I wanted to ask y'all to save the date for Hollywood Happy Hour coming up on Monday, December 11th, 2006. Yeah, baby!!!! Mark your calendar now!! I know you've been waiting for the next big event! I sure have!

Details will come soon, but you can go ahead and add Hollywood Happy Hour at MySpace for an advance peek at the low-down.
Woo!!!!! So excited! Yippee!! What a great way to end the year!
HHH Yahoo Group
Posted by bonnie at 12:12 AM | Comments (0)
November 6, 2006
I know, I know
I haven't blogged in a million years. I'm working my ass off. But I did take a quiz I saw on my rockstar intern's blog.
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Midland "You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio. | |
The West | |
Boston | |
North Central | |
The Inland North | |
Philadelphia | |
The South | |
The Northeast | |
What American accent do you have? Take More Quizzes |
Um... seeing as I'm a full-on Hotlantan, how the hell is that even possible? Sure, I've "gotten around" but I've lived in exactly two states in my whole life: Georgia and California. Period. Ooooookay.
Y'all vote tomorrow, okay?
Posted by bonnie at 11:05 PM | Comments (2)
November 3, 2006
Jury Duty Again!
So, longtime readers of the BonBlogs will recall that I turned my last experience with jury duty into a little journal, exploring the intricacies of baffling human behavior.

Well, just got my summons for service starting 11 December, four years or so after my last trip. Not bad, really. I think it's no big deal, since I can do one of my jobs (writing) just as easily while waiting in a jury pool. As long as they let me bring in a notepad and a pen, I'm earning money somehow.

Last time, I was downtown (but we lived in the Hollywood Hills, so it wasn't too far, really). And when Keith got called to serve earlier this year, he had to go downtown (and was pissed, seeing as we had moved ALL THE WAY OUT TO THE BEACH. Seriously, we're so effin' spoiled. Going east of the 405 is like making a day trip. It's obnoxious how 310-snobby we've become). Anyway, this time, I'm set for a court by LAX, and that's like right down the street! Woo!

I'm actually pretty stoked about doing jury duty at a new venue. But I'm a dork. I used to look forward to fluoride treatments at the dentist. *shrug* The fact that I am a dork isn't news. I know.
Posted by bonnie at 1:02 PM | Comments (6)
More Press for Faith's Radio Show
This, from today's Seattle Times:
KUOW ventures into satire with new "Fair Game"
Fair Game From PRI With Faith Salie is a satirical news and entertainment evening show hosted by a 30-something performer at 8 p.m. Fridays.The show is the first public-radio adventure for Salie, a comedian and TV actor. It'll be a mix of popular culture and politics, skewering both ends of the political spectrum.
Fair Game From PRI With Faith Salie: 8 p.m. Fridays on KUOW-FM (94.9). Listen live at KUOW.org.

"Everything's ripe for satire," Salie said in a telephone interview from New York, where the show is produced. "I'd be lying if I said I were conservative, but the goal of the show is to be very fair. We're willing to take on Lieberman and the Republican Lieberman."Go, cousin! Go, cousin! Woo!Salie's acting credits include Significant Others on Bravo; a guest appearance on Sex and the City; playing the genetically-enhanced Serena Douglas on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and voicing the character Yuko on Astro Boy. These two last gigs, she insists, should make her more sensitive to the issues that face genetic mutants and anime characters.
Fair Game's head writer, Gideon Evans, used to work on The Daily Show and Salie said that TV show's audience is the same one she was after: smart, informed, young.
Each hourlong show will also feature a musical guest.
Tonight's inaugural lineup: Matt Dowd, campaign guru for Bush-Cheney '04; Andy Borowitz, comedian and author of The Republican Playbook; Barbara Kopple, whose latest documentary profiles the Dixie Chicks; and a musical guest, Girl Talk.
A sole female host, even on public radio, is still rather novel. And the fact that Salie is hosting a humor show also makes Fair Game groundbreaking, says Michael Arnold, director of programming for Public Radio International, the show's producer.
Fair Game debuts in Seattle and in 12 other public-radio markets before the program is distributed nationally in January.
One advantage of being a KUOW listener in this pilot phase of Fair Game, Hansen points out, is that local listener feedback will help shape the show as it figures itself out. Fair Game is scheduled to morph into a five-day-a-week show at the beginning of the year.
Posted by bonnie at 11:46 AM | Comments (0)
November 2, 2006
The Masquerade PARTY 11/4
I know you love to support movies I've cast, right? Okay, now's your chance to do so for The Masquerade... and to see clips before the rest of the world, party with the cast and crew, and help raise money for film festival entry fees.

When: Saturday, 4 November 2006, 8pm to 2am, baby!
Location: The Rec Center Studio (director/producer Natalia Garcia, DGA, says it's "moody like the movie... with a fire pit!"), 1161 Logan St. (at Sunset Blvd.), Echo Park, CA 90026.
Details: $7-$10 suggested cover charge gets you FOUR BANDS, hors d'oeuvres, and FREE PABST beer from 8-10pm! (Only $2 after 10pm.) Monster Energy Drink is $2 all night.
To read more about the lineup of great bands and for info on this rockstar film itself, visit THE MASQUERADE on MySpace.
More from Natalia:
We're raising money for entry fees into Sundance, SXSW, Toronto, TriBeCa, LAShorts Fest, AFI, Cannes, Slamdance, a few more.
The party will showcase the behind the scenes:
- projections including portions of the EPK produced by The Nova Project
- framed production stills
- The Nova Project will also have different versions of the film's poster. You can vote for your favorite one and let us know which one you think is best.
Thanks for Brianne Davis and Natalia Garcia for putting this shindig together. It's gonna rock. Join us, won't you?
After the Ball, Ken (Chris Masterson) and Mary (Brianne Davis) head out to spend the night together only to discover they are not alone....
Posted by bonnie at 1:56 PM | Comments (3)
November 1, 2006
Faith's PRI Show Debuts Friday
From today's Washington Times:
Fair Game
Public radio is no longer just for baby boomers and news junkies, it turns out.WETA 91.9 FM on Friday will join nearly a dozen other public radio stations in debuting Fair Game from PRI with Faith Salie, a one-hour weekday evening broadcast that host Ms. Salie describes as the radio "love child" of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

"What we share with The Daily Show is an inclination to reach out to younger listeners and an irreverent, skeptical take on hard news," said Ms. Salie, a comedienne who previously starred on Bravo's improvisational sitcom, Significant Others.
"Unlike The Daily Show, we don't just cover politics. We like to think of it as the evolution of the variety show."
Fair Game will feature interviews with newsmakers and celebrities, along with musical and comedic performances. Field correspondents will also contribute to the program, tackling, in Ms. Salie's words, "such weighty issues" as the Miss Adams Morgan Pageant, an annual drag-queen event in Northwest."There's also a lot of unscripted, spontaneous interaction with random phone-call recipients," Ms. Salie added.
Minneapolis-based Public Radio International is producing the show, which will be taped at WNYC New York Public Radio's studios. Other PRI programs include the This American Life with Ira Glass and The Tavis Smiley Show.Ms. Salie, a Harvard-educated Rhodes scholar, described the show's targeted demographic of twenty- and thirtysomethings as an audience somewhat "ignored" by traditional public radio programs.
To court younger listeners, Ms. Salie will use the Web to solicit feedback from listeners, such as band recommendations and suggested questions for guests.
Fair Game is intended "both to amuse and to challenge their way of thinking," Ms. Salie said. "I think that comedy, when it has a point and when it's rooted in fact, can be just about the most provocative tool there is in terms of shaking people's consciousness."
The show is slated to debut nationally in January. WETA will air Fair Game on Fridays at 10 p.m.
I'll post again with other stations and schedules as soon as I do a little poking around. Also, start looking for some great press to roll out in December. Cousin is workin' it, baby! Woo!
Posted by bonnie at 10:24 AM | Comments (0)