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December 5, 2006

Damn you, Aaron Sorkin!

I'm ready for a nice "night off." I pour an adult beverage. I unhook the phone. I fire up the TiVo and think, "Ah... Nip/Tuck is starting up. No... wait... let's watch last night's Studio 60 first and THEN have some basic cable-approved porn. I'm sure Studio 60 will be 'just fine.' It's not been terribly world-rocking lately."

Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.

How the HELL am I supposed to:
a. watch Nip/Tuck...
b. continue coding web updates to the HHH site...
c. send Christmas cards...
d. just chill out and do nothing...

after having been hit by that meteor of emotions like that?

MAN, I love that show. Love it, love it, love it, love it. Frickin' awesome.

Posted by bonnie at December 5, 2006 8:10 PM


Oh my God - I'm so glad it wasn't just me... didn't get home from rehearsal till midnight (open Friday)... poured a big ole glass of Merlot and thought... I'll just watch part of Studio 60 before turning in... just when I thought well, it'll be okay if it doesn't make it - they go and make me fall in love with them even more... and they get me hoping against all odds that this show can hang on and make it. Wouldn't that be a Wonderful Christmas miracle.

And isn't TIVO the best invention date? hee hee!

Posted by: Alice Ensor at December 6, 2006 8:03 AM

OMG! I so agree!!! I have never seen the mother of all tributes (City of New Orleans musical tribute) until I saw that episode. Bawling my eyes out. My wife thinks I'm a dope.

And the funny was really there, as well. I think they are settling in and feeling more comfortable and that allows the funny to come bubbling up.

Posted by: Jonathan at December 6, 2006 10:44 AM

I wish I could see "Studio 60" - damn living in England! *sob*

Posted by: Helen at December 6, 2006 12:56 PM