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December 19, 2006
The Year in Review
I know it's early to be doing this, but I'm in a listy kind of mood, so here 'tis. Enjoy! (See also 2005, 2004.)
Take The First Line From The First Post Of Each Month Of 2006. That's Your Year In Review.
January 2006: Flickering Image Film Festival Please join us Saturday, 7 January 2006 at the AFI Mark Goodson Auditorium, 2021 Western Ave., Hollywood 90027 for the screening of the ten winning films for the 2006 Flickering Image Film Festival.
February 2006: *giggle* What do Scott Foley, Julia Stiles, Tracy Pollan, Judith Chapman, Leslie Charleson, Chris Coppola, Jenna Von Oy, Christopher Masterson, David Anders, Andrew Bowen, Jessica Hecht, Richard Riehle, and Harriet Sansom Harris have in common?
March 2006: How To Make Me Happy for Three Bucks Buy me something way geeky, way useful, and way cheap. You'll have my heart forever.
April 2006: Not new, but... seriously one of the funniest things I've seen about the whole navel-gazing navel-gazing that is blogging.
May 2006: *ahem* So, we have to get from Point A (home) to Point B (USC) through Point ¡Sí, se puede! for an industry event this evening. Ack.
June 2006: Could you use that in a sentence please? As I upload demo reels to the Cricket Feet Casting server for the director of Salvation, Texas to watch (sort of pre-prereads), I have the Scripps National Spelling Bee on ESPN.
July 2006: Best Anniversary Present EVER Now, the trip to La Costa Resort and Spa was pretty dang amazing, as anniversary presents go. But, c'mon... can you BEAT THIS?!?
August 2006: August? Wow. Is it really August already? Holy cow, this year has flown by. (I know, I know... people always say that sort of thing. Blah blah blah.)
September 2006: Happy September As Keith and I went for our walk last night, he mentioned that yesterday was Maria Montessori's birthday.
October 2006: Hee! How much do I love my sister in law?
November 2006: Faith's PRI Show Debuts Friday From today's Washington Times: Fair Game--Public radio is no longer just for baby boomers and news junkies, it turns out.
December 2006: First Casting Announcement Woo hoo! Congratulations to the first actor cast in Broken Windows!
Posted by bonnie at December 19, 2006 2:53 AM
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