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December 7, 2006
Two Things (Maybe Three)
The Roomba needs training...

...(it's like a Furbie... it requires a little coaching).

We're big geeks, because Santa brought me a Roomba and Keith a credit card-strength cross-cut shredder. Seriously. We're all about the romance.

I totally won. And everyone who agrees with Keith lives overseas. Or is Canadian. Same diff. Free books at HHH. Whoop! (Fun bag-filling party with the Lovely Laura Lock tonight, BTW.)
Posted by bonnie at December 7, 2006 10:31 PM
Sigh, I would love to attend the HHH however my night is booked. The nice thing is I know there will be more.
I could use a Roomba, too. My house is currently under construction (remodel hell!) and the floors are covered in a fine layer of dust. That would make Roomba a very busy, very happy robot indeed. Could work like a little elf while we sleep at night.
Posted by: Jonathan at December 8, 2006 12:54 PM
I had a great time. And for the record you make a mean Lemon Drop!!!
Posted by: Laura at December 10, 2006 1:31 AM