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January 13, 2007

12 of 12 for January 2007

It's 12 of 12 time again! Did you have fun? I did!

Here's my 12 of 12 for January (click any photo to enlarge). Enjoy!

10:18am: After a lovely Gimlet Night, Dawn and I hang out with Archie in bed while Keith barges in and announces it is time for 12 of 12 to begin!

11:17am: This is as far I got on January 11th's evil Samurai Sudoku. Evil. Yes.

12:10pm: Snuggling up with my honey after Dawn has left for yoga, before the interns arrive, and before Keith leaves for his casting internship.

1:17pm: My new boyfriend, Roomba. He's very cute.

1:32pm: There's not a bunch of time for sun this time of year, but pretty much every moment Archie *can* sun, he will do so!

1:41pm: BONUS PIC! This month's bonus pic is "something new." And yesterday, we retired the SixHundy and, after SEVEN YEARS with a Palm OS, I joined the BlackBerry revolution. I'll report back later on my thoughts. So far, so good, though.

2:44pm: Intern Julie in a sea of headshots. I think this photo is titled, "Over it." Hee! But I do believe we cheered Julie up by watching Stick It again.

2:45pm: Hey, it's Lindsay! She's working on the name actor Wiki. Yay!

2:51pm: I stand up for one freakin' minute and when I turn around, that damn cat has stolen my pillowy stack and sealed up for a nap!

8:01pm: THIS is the reason I moved so slowly on the 12th. Too many overflowing martinis on the 11th. *sigh*

8:11pm: Oh! I love this! It's a little "travel towel" (which of course means "washcloth") from Hawaii. Intern Julie brought it back for me last week. Hee! Love Hello Kitty cuties!

8:34pm: Thwok is really happy that we've put new "toys" on top of the cubbies. She especially likes getting up on the big box (a present for my sister in law, waiting here for pickup), chasing shadows on the wall and ceiling, and (obviously) leaping from the cubbies to the floor. She is very brave. (Broken Windows cast photos featured on the cubbies. More announcements to come.)

10:26pm: Doing a little PARF Chat. Always so much fun!

Hope you enjoyed my 12 of 12! I look forward to seeing yours too! See y'all next month.

Posted by bonnie at January 13, 2007 7:43 AM


Hey Bon!

Do we love martinis or what? We may have to hook up for one somenight. I bartend for my "survival job" and I can make some killer gimlets and martinis!!

Posted by: Mary Carlisle at January 13, 2007 8:00 AM

Wonderful pics! :) I want a Roomba!! That'll have to wait for at least the differential to kick in though. Poop!!

Posted by: Beth at January 13, 2007 8:03 AM

Yay, you're back on 12 of 12! Yeah, never leave a warm seat unoccupied with kitties around ;-)

Posted by: Helen at January 13, 2007 8:39 AM

I love Archie. Shouldn't we all seek a spot of sun and take a nap?

Posted by: Maria at January 13, 2007 11:55 AM

My question is how do the cats get up there to play with the toys in the first place???

And when can I borrow Keith? He looks like a good snuggler! LOL!!!!

Posted by: drc at January 13, 2007 12:42 PM

Bon,go over to my site and check out the cute pics of the cats,one walking through a bunch of dogs and one chilaxing by the computer,something for us cat lovers! Click my name and it goes to my site

Posted by: Mary Carlisle at January 13, 2007 1:46 PM

I love Saduko, but I haven't tried the killer ones yet... I will work my way up to that. You have inspired me to give a try...

Posted by: Claudine at January 13, 2007 2:04 PM

Do the Roomba!!! Don't your cats freak out over it? I think mine would drop dead of a heart attack. After pissing on everything valuable I own and shredding my new couch, that is.

Ah, the dreaded Gimlet attack....well, there are worse ways to go!

Happy New Year!!

Posted by: Michele at January 13, 2007 2:29 PM

Mary Carlisle: Do we love martinis or what? We may have to hook up for one somenight. I bartend for my "survival job" and I can make some killer gimlets and martinis!!

Love love LOVE my gimlets. Too much. *sigh*

Beth: Wonderful pics! :) I want a Roomba!! That'll have to wait for at least the differential to kick in though. Poop!!

I LOVE my Roomba. It's awesome. We seriously don't have to vacuum as often anymore. It's pretty much essential with longhaired pets around!

Helen: Yay, you're back on 12 of 12! Yeah, never leave a warm seat unoccupied with kitties around ;-)

I'm so glad to be back on 12 of 12, Helen! I really did miss it, and it's just so simple--even if you worry it's boring to everyone. But it's not! It's fascinating! I wish more people would do it.

Maria: I love Archie. Shouldn't we all seek a spot of sun and take a nap?

Absolutely! He's actually quite smart for a dumbass. ;)

drc: My question is how do the cats get up there to play with the toys in the first place???

Diva, the desk in the foreground (you can see one of the printers on it in this pic, right?) is L-shaped. So, Thwok jumps up from the desk to the left side of the cubbies. That's a vertical leap of about four feet or more, and about a foot and a half out to the side. She's seriously clever.

drc: And when can I borrow Keith? He looks like a good snuggler! LOL!!!!

He's a very good snuggler. We put in our list of things to welcome into 2007 "more snuggling" and it's totally worth taking the time to do... daily! So much fun.

Claudine: I love Saduko, but I haven't tried the killer ones yet... I will work my way up to that. You have inspired me to give a try...

I probably should've started with the easy version, but an online friend challenged me to do the evil one on the 11th, so I had to at least try. Heh!

Michele: Do the Roomba!!! Don't your cats freak out over it? I think mine would drop dead of a heart attack. After pissing on everything valuable I own and shredding my new couch, that is.

Hah! Too cute! Archie watches it from a safe vantage point (the sofa) and eventually tunes it out. Salema doesn't even acknowledge that it exists. She's very confident. Thwok chases it from room to room, always curious as to how it knows which way to turn and where it's headed next. She gets a lot of exercise during Roomba time. Hee!

Michele: Ah, the dreaded Gimlet attack....well, there are worse ways to go!

Amen to that, Michele. Like... tequila. ;)

Posted by: Bon at January 13, 2007 3:52 PM

I think that martini glass would seriously mess with your head after a few martini's ;)

Posted by: BU at January 13, 2007 4:12 PM

So does the Roomba actually work well? I've always wondered. . .

And I love your kitties!

Posted by: MegS at January 13, 2007 5:34 PM

O_o *eye twitch*

That is one craaaazy evil sudoku you have there!
Hehehe, i know the drill with cats and warm seats too. The same goes for pillows in my house! :)

Great piccies :D

Posted by: Steph at January 13, 2007 8:43 PM

This is too strange. I've been in a weird funk and not reading anyone's blog for weeks, maybe months and decided to catch up starting with yours. I see you have a new roomba too! I just got mine. Don't you just love it? Us working gals gotta have all the help we can get to make housekeeping easier.

Posted by: Aleta at January 14, 2007 6:31 AM

I want a Roomba! The Kamakazi Sudoku looks like fun! I haven't worked my way up to those yet but will have to check them out.

Posted by: Kerri at January 14, 2007 8:52 AM

Thanks, Bon! That closet was seven months overdue.

Posted by: Charlotte at January 14, 2007 9:28 AM

I love cat's they are so cute. That glass looks like it's stuggling under the weight of one too many Martini's.

Posted by: Andy at January 14, 2007 1:39 PM

A co-worker of mine got me into Sudoku and now I'm addicted to it haha!

Yeah, I love my Roomba too! And yay Hello Kitty!

Great pics...til' next month again!


Posted by: Abby at January 14, 2007 11:35 PM

Only exciting creatives dare to use vaccume pics in their '12.

Posted by: Bill Lipp at January 15, 2007 10:27 AM

Ah yes, the sneak-attack take-your-warm-seat campaign...I believe it is in world-wide implementation as my chompylones is participating as well.
How do they fall asleep so quickly??
Oh well - the cuteness makes up for it!
Great 12 of 12.

Posted by: CC at January 17, 2007 10:40 PM