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February 23, 2007

I smell a RAT!

Oooooooooooh, it's rat season.

You KNOW how I hate the actor-scams. HATE.

Well, I found a DOOZIE and I am mad as HELL about this one!

In fact, I am SO mad that I'm TABLING the Bad Headshots, Good Headshots IV piece (I know, I know... I'm sorry... I have to) to do an exposé on this a-hole who is really costing actors some money AND their reputations/relationships with CDs, agents, managers, directors, and producers.

I have to do this before he knows I'm doing it and changes his business model or takes down his site (Don't worry, I've already saved the whole site--every file--in anticipation of his "packing up and going home" act anyway.) and definitely before any more actors spend money on this "service."


Have I mentioned how much I HATE actor-scams? Have I?

Okay... gotta go. Need to wrap up some business here before heading out for the next 12 hours to do a bunch of casting stuff. Love, love, love my life. Love UMA! Love YOU!

Posted by bonnie at February 23, 2007 12:29 PM
