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March 6, 2007

Head's up: new breakdown

Hey y'all... no time to chat. Just wanted to let you know that a new breakdown will be going out through Breakdown Services and Actors Access in a couple of hours.

This one is for an AEA 99-seat agreement stage play directed by Mark Wilkinson at the Elephant Space Theatre. It's called Scab and it's seriously cool. Script is already up at the Cricket Feet Casting site.

Auditions will be 3/14 (w/ callbacks 3/16) and the play will run 4/20-5/20. Members of the 4-A's will get $10 a show. Woo!

Electronic submissions only through Actors Access and Breakdown Services. (I'll update this post once the breakdown goes live so that you can link right to it and get to submitting.)


Posted by bonnie at March 6, 2007 5:01 AM
