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April 8, 2007

"I could eat about a million and a half of these."

Wasn't that a line from Forrest Gump? About his box of chocolates or somesuch?


I've found mine. It's pumpkin tortellini from Planet Raw.

That's them on the edge of the plate, covered in pureed beets. Delish!

Now, this isn't news--seeing as I raved about it (and the whole experience, really) when Shon and Jodi took me to lunch there last year--but lately I've become full-on addicted to these things. I could eat them non-stop.

Gosh... everything they make is so LOVELY.

And the best part of everything at Planet Raw is that *nothing* can make me "get glutened" in that place. Nothing. It's a very liberating feeling to know you're "eating safe," even when you didn't oversee food prep or whatever.

Oh, and another new favorite thing--which our rockstar El Cholo waitress recommended last week when I wistfully spoke about my love for the (seasonal) green corn tamales that "aren't ready" yet--is the shrimp tamale with an amazingly decadent sauce THAT HAS NO GLUTEN in it, either. Holy hell, that food is the YUMMMMMMM (and, even it is only available as a "special" certain nights of the week).


I could eat that non-stop too.

So, apparently one of the side-effects to this detox tea crap is MAJOR hungries. This did *not* happen with the other brand of detox tea (during which I ate nothing but soup and juices and teas and pickled ginger for two weeks). I was not at all ravenous. And now I am. Totally. And my head hurts.

Maybe this tea works better? Stronger? Faster? Eh... whatevs. I just really really really really really want to eat another hundred pumpkin tortellini and/or a pound or ten of shrimp tamale in cream sauce.

Damn. Cravings are WEIRD.

(No, I'm NOT pregnant. Get your minds out of the gutter, people. That's gross.)

Ooh... maybe soup is a good idea. With a ginger electrolyte smoothie. Yes. Let's have that.

Posted by bonnie at April 8, 2007 3:57 AM


Sure sound pregnant to me...are you sure????

Posted by: drc at April 8, 2007 8:30 AM

That looks mouth watering Bon!

Posted by: Mary Carlisle at April 10, 2007 8:09 PM