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April 29, 2007
Our First Showcase (Some Photos)
So, we've put on our first showcase.
We did Self-Management for Actors in the park, to make sure everyone's marketing materials were up to snuff.
We had rehearsal at the illustrious director Richard Tatum's place.
Dress/Tech took days. (Okay. A dozen hours over the course of two days, but whatever. It felt like days. Many. Days.)
We bonded. Hardcore.
It's really hard to come out of "showcase brain" and get back to everything else (three columns due in a few hours, meetings about two feature films I'm casting in the next two days, a script to read and bid to write up for yet another film, plus the breakdown for the next showcase... er... when am I going to get this year's book written???), but I kind of don't want to stop basking in the afterglow of this amazing showcase experience. I ADORE THESE PEOPLE! Holy cow, it really works! You surround yourself with the best people you know and the world just feels like a better place, every moment.
*contented sigh*
Thank you to rockstar intern Julie, plus rockstars in training: Beau, Camille, and Jennie!
Biggest thanks of all to my partner, Eitan Loewenstein.
The Cricket Feet Casting Actors Showcase wouldn't exist without you, buddy.
Photos thanks to Eitan, Keith, Chris, Jennie, Amy, the actor backstage who grabbed Amy's camera, and whomever took that cute photo of Beau and Camille that I nabbed from her MySpace page. THANKS, y'all!
Posted by bonnie at April 29, 2007 4:44 AM
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Kudos to the photog who made the tech days look like they were fun. ;-P
Man, I miss the showcase. It was bitchin.'
Posted by: Jennie at April 29, 2007 11:37 AM
Congrats on your first show case Bonnie,you just keep out doing yourself young lady!!
As far your "fabulous actors" you spent so much time with well,you attract to you what you are and your life condition. Whats the old spritual law of life? You want to know what your putting out there look at the people your surrounded by! so very true!
Peace out,hey I just read your a double libra,WOW!! Libra moon and rising balances out that cancer well!!Love Libra energy!
I myself have about seven planets in cancer so I'm a very sensitive emotional Leo! LOL
Posted by: Mary Carlisle at April 29, 2007 8:22 PM
congrats on the showcase and here's to many more as well (hopefully, someday, I can be part of one).
Did you get my "what the hell were they thinking?" message?
Posted by: Amy at May 2, 2007 2:20 AM