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May 12, 2007

12 of 12 for May 2007

Howdy! It's 12 of 12 time! Woo!

A quiet day for me, but busy just the same. I actually FORGOT that it was 12 of 12 until 2:30pm, so... oops. Well, I still did it, so there! If you're new to 12 of 12, visit Chad's blog for the low-down. Make sure you share your link with Chad so that your 12 is part of the world of 12. (I have a goal to visit ALL 12 of 12ers' blogs this month.)

So, here we go, Hollywood!

2:41pm: A late start on the 12 of 12, but here I am trying to find a POV contributor for May 15th. I seriously have TEN people saying they're working on something... but no one met the deadline. Augh! I would hate to see this awesome column die due to lack of contributions from CDs (and not just b/c it would mean "losing a job" for me). Write, people! WRITE!

2:55pm: Taking advantage of a wee bit of downtime between the first and second showcases AND the last feature film and the next feature film I'm casting (breakdown goes out next week--woo), we started a HUGE spring cleaning project last week and we're making good headway. These bins contain (L-R): showcase stuff, casting stuff (with the last project I cast ready to hit its project binder being the contents of that box on top of the bin), writing stuff (which needs to be sorted into ten subcategories), and speaking/consulting stuff (yes, that's the infamous "What Were You THINKING?!?" submission binder on top... heh heh).

2:56pm: Sorting the office supplies. Ugh. It's not as sexy as the aisles of Office Depot, but it will be. Interns... y'all ready?

2:57pm: Yeah, that showcase bin (two pics above) looked light, didn't it? Yup. This is the *real* showcase sorting area. See all of those boxes of margarita mix? That's four CASES left over. Strangely, there was no *tequila* left over. How did THAT happen?

2:58pm: Getting the den presentable for Quinn's visit. Yippee!! Can't wait to have him here, as always. We have SO MUCH cool stuff planned! (Oh, man! That bookcase on the right is filled with "to sort" boxes. Ugh. I think I will never run out of things to sort. The COOL thing is, I'm on the PARF Clutter Control Challenge. Their initial requirement was too scary for me, so I modified it and we are kicking ASS at it: Throwing away something (each of us) EVERY day. And it has to be something we were keeping for a reason (not just regular toss-outs). Of course, we get so excited about the small dent we're making that we end up throwing away even more stuff and... yup. Spring cleaning continues!

2:59pm: Re-lighting the candle for Mom (and Deb's mom too). Will light it again tomorrow, Mother's Day, a time to honor all moms, here and above.

3pm: Wouldja look at that precious cast? Aww... I miss them. So talented. Such awesome people.

3:10pm: Lunch. Ew. I thought, after eating it, that I was probably "over" gluten-free Fettuccine Alfredo. After seeing this photo, I'm TOTALLY sure I'm over it. Bleh. But I do love my salt bunny! Hee! It's also a magnet! Bonus!!

6:24pm: In the "doing things in the wrong order" department, I took a shower and then stripped the sheets off the bed and changed the towels, gathered laundry, etc., and--of course--broke a nail. So, here's my not-lovely hand-modeling hand with a broken fingernail. Dangit. Ooh, I now notice that I need to empty the shavings from my pencil sharpener. Okay... DONE. (Yes, I still use old school wooden pencils. I love them.)

7:18pm Ooh, look at that sexy Keith leg! Hee! Laundry sorting. Blah blah blah. Hot Saturday night.

7:18pm: Ooh, my new best friend the portable A/C. Yes, we had to bust that sucker out last weekend when the Santa Anas slammed into me with nosebleed force. No, we don't have it on today, but that sucker is heavy, so it's staying where it is 'til our next major cold snap. Thwok loves to stand on top of it, so it's multifunctional. Dammit, it is! I say so!

7:37pm BONUS PIC!: This month's bonus pic is DREAMSCAPE and I chose my mom's crystal heart-shaped abstract swirly paperweight. Lovely. And good Feng Shui too!

8:27pm: Dinnertime! It's gluten-free cheese pizza with some red wine (and I am all about the "table wine glass" style... I don't need your frou-frou stemware. Well, sometimes I do. You know how that goes).

Anyway, that's my (short) 12 of 12! Hope you'll join in next month. It's way cool to have a look at a day in the life. ;)


Now... time to finish my columns!

Posted by bonnie at May 12, 2007 9:27 PM


Great pics Bonnie! Especially love the swirly heart one! :)

Posted by: Beth at May 12, 2007 10:27 PM

WOW! You are a busy person!

Fun shots... I didn't even realize there is such a thing as gueten free pizza and pasta. Well actually I don't really even know what gueten is... but it's interesting that someone makes stuff without it!

Posted by: condoblogger at May 13, 2007 11:27 AM

I am with you - wooden pencils are the best. You sound very busy! You appear to have massive amounts of things to keep organized, and it sounds like you are accomplishing a lot in that regard. Congrats!
Love your dreamscape photo.
Great post.
~ CC

Posted by: CC at May 14, 2007 3:09 AM

Yum for the pizza, yick for the pasta! Why is it I hone in on the food!??!

Ever see "Brazil", Bon? Where Robert DeNiro gets eaten alive by paper attacking him? Be VERY CAREFUL your old files don't come back for revenge!!


Posted by: Michele at May 17, 2007 8:34 PM