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May 5, 2007
I blame FX.
So, I've been catching up on TiVo'ed TV and that means a lot of The Shield and The Riches (I tend to stay on top of things like America's Next Top Model and Heroes no matter how busy the week gets.
Well, after consuming several hours of both of these fine yet angst-filled FX shows, I've found I'm having *really* creepy dreams.
Lots of dead people. Lots of dying people. Lots of lying. Lots of covering up lies. Lots of suspicion and emotional turmoil.
This is NOT how a Bon gets her rest on.
Oooh, goodie! The Biggest Loser marathon on The Style Network. That oughtta cleanse the palate a bit! Phew!
Posted by bonnie at May 5, 2007 2:11 PM
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