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May 13, 2007
The Actors Voice, 5/14/07 (and a few weeks before)
Hi Everyone!
Yikes! It's been a MONTH since I last promoted The Actors Voice (it's been way busy; my apologies for having been out of the promo loop)! Well, here's what's happened since my last promo blast.
We looked at Multiple Electronic Submissions, Paying for Representation, How To Work the Room, LA's Best On-Camera Classes (and rebuttals and warnings about one of the recommended coaches), and Bad Cover Letters/Good Cover Letters. Woo!
And tomorrow...?
When To Pay Commission
Sometimes a Your Turn question comes in that is so well-suited to a full-on column that I just can't resist. This question, from a wonderfully-talented and business-minded actor, represents dozens of similarly-themed questions I've received from actors everywhere.
Electronic casting has made auditions more available than ever. For the diligent actor that goes after "everything" in Back Stage West, on CraigsList, at Actors Access, etc., what is the best way to deal with commission payments when said actor books a job independently of the agency they are represented by? No one wants to rock the boat, but should an actor pay a cut to their agent even if the agent does nothing to procure the audition or review the contract? If so, what is fair to the actor? Thanks for your input.
The short answer is easy: Always pay commission to your agents and managers. Always.
Now, here comes the long answer (which is all about WHY paying commission--yes, even on work you booked all by yourself--is a good business decision).
Continue reading this column in the morning, along with a Your Turn about an ethnicity-related name change at Showfax.com.
Be sure to visit The Actors Voice: POV to see contributions from casting directors in Reno, NV, and Washington, DC! (Still looking for the 5/15 contribution, so I'm not sure WHERE that one will come from... feel free to send your favorite speed-writing CDs my way!)
Woo hoo!
As always, THANK YOU for reading! I'll try to stay on top of my weekly promos from here on out! :)
July showcase submission deadline 5/18!
Live your dreams! If you don't, someone else will.
Posted by bonnie at May 13, 2007 7:40 PM
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