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June 19, 2007
Meme from Amy the Writer
Originally nabbed from Amy the Writer.
1] What was the highlight of your weekend?
Lots of anniversary sex.
2] Whose car were you in last?
Mine. The TicTac.
3] What color shirt are you wearing?
Black cami-tank.
4] How long is your hair?
Almost to my butt.
5] Who's on your mind right now?
Quinn and his cool dad Keith.
6] Last movie you saw at the theater?
Eesh... probably something I cast. A New Tomorrow, maybe?
7] Last thing you ate?
8] Last thing you drank?
9] Where did you sleep last night.?
My bed. With Keith. Duh.
10] Are you happy right now?
11] What did you say last?
On the wall on the way in. (To Quinn, about where the light switch is for the kitchen.)
12] Where is your phone?
Between our two printers.
13] Favorite comedian?
David Spade, lately.
14] What color are your eyes?
15] Who came over last?
Eitan. (To see Quinn's three-room fort.)
16] Name the last three things you bought?
Dinner at El Cholo, dinner at Burbank Bar & Grill, Dinner at El Cholo (and this is over the past two weeks or so).
17] Who do you hate?
Ann Coulter. She is the reason anyone ever uses "the c-word."
18] What are you listening to?
Quinn sighing.
19] What is your weapon of choice?
Elbows of death. (Ask Keith.)
20] What's your favorite smell?
Oh my goodness, it changes so frequently. Ginger. Fresh-cut lemon.
21] Does someone have a crush on you?
Oh, yes. Everyone! ;)
22] What were you doing at midnight last night?
Rubbing my husband's back as he slept.
23] What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
Dear god, Quinn sleeps less than I do!
24] Are you left-handed?
25] Spell your name without vowels:
Bnn Gllsp.
26] How many pairs of jeans do you own?
Goodness... 20?
27] What colors do you wear most often?
Black and denim.
28] What's for dinner tonight?
White corn tortilla burritos! Homemade!
29] When Is Your Birthday?
7-11, baby! Only a few more shopping days!
30] Who was the last person to send you a txt message?
I don't "txt."
31] Last time you went swimming in a pool?
Last year while Quinn was here. We went to La Costa Resort and Spa for our anniversary trip and spent a lot of time in the water.
32] Where was the last place you went shopping?
Pavillion's, probably.
33] How do you feel about your hair?
Best hair in Hollywood, baby! ;)
34] How's the weather?
Freezing! I love living at the beach!
35] What's one thing people are always saying to you?
Thank you.
36] Have you ever visited another country?
Sure. (Spain, mostly.)
37] What's your standard greeting when you answer the phone?
38] Do you own a pair of handcuffs?
I used to. Down, pervs. It was seventh grade and I got 'em on the Washington DC safety patrol trip at some "sell crap to tourists" store.
39] Do you use the word pussy?
Absolutely. I use all the words we've got!
40] Do you put ketchup on your eggs?
Ew. No.
41] Do you put mayo on your burgers?
Where would I put it? I can't have a bun!
42] Have you kissed somebody in the last two weeks?
Even in the last two minutes!
43] Who did you dance with last?
44] Song playing?
None. Watching TV.
45] What color is your underwear?
Yellow with little blue flowers.
46] Do you want platinum or gold for your wedding band?
It's platinum. And it's lovely.
47] Do you think that the tobacco companies should pay for people's medical bills?
Um... I think we should have universal health care. How's that?
48] What scares you?
Woo! That was FUN! :)
Posted by bonnie at June 19, 2007 9:57 PM
I love these things!
Posted by: Mary Carlisle at June 20, 2007 7:47 AM
Posted by: Mary Carlisle at June 20, 2007 11:15 AM
Did you get my last post? Anywho I love these things
Posted by: Mary Carlisle at June 20, 2007 11:17 AM