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July 15, 2007

The Actors Voice, 7/16/07

Hi Everyone!

Here's how tomorrow's The Actors Voice starts out.


Trust That You're Enough

My husband and I have a relationship that is built on two fundamental principles. One: Always trust that we each have the other's best interests at heart (that way, even when we're fighting, we know it's because we both want a result that improves our relationship or current situation). Two: Always go for the funny. (I tend to argue that that last one is the more important of the two, but it's really because of the first one that the last one works so well.) The idea is that, if there is a joke to make, you'd better take the shot (even at the other's expense). That keeps us laughing, no matter what. Nothing wrong with that.

But this week's column is about the first principle: TRUST. And it's not just trust in an intimate partnership I'm talking about. It's trusting your fellow castmates, trusting your director and producer, trusting your agent and manager, trusting your acting coach, trusting yourself. All while pursuing a career in an industry where self-doubt and cut-throat tendencies seem to rise up. No, it's not gonna be easy, but it sure will be wonderful, once you embrace trust in your career's path.


Continue reading this column in the morning, along with a Your Turn about the unique issues facing actors of color (Are there any?) at Showfax.com.


Be sure to visit The Actors Voice: POV for a POV from a very busy TV casting associate.

Woo hoo!

As always, THANK YOU for reading!

Live your dreams! If you don't, someone else will.

Posted by bonnie at July 15, 2007 4:57 PM

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