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August 27, 2007

Crappy Writers Are Crappy

I read a lot. Mostly scripts. I also read books about the industry. And columns. And blogs. It's kind of my thing.

(Bonus points for being my friend.)

Okay, so in the past three weeks, I've read a book a week while on the machines at the gym at 2am five days a week (yes, really. I'm that badass now) in prep for this kinda big bunch of things I've got going on.

(Bonus points for having written a film I cast.)

And the first two books I read ROCKED. Simply ROCKED. They were fun, funny, informative, and had tons of personality with very few typos (believe me, that kind of shit goes a long way with me).

(No bonus points. You do the math.)

And then... *thud* ...I decided to pick up a book that I got on gift certificate a year ago, when prepping for my "big entertainment attorney meeting." Because of where I'm going tomorrow, it's suddenly a wee bit more relevant than the one chapter for which I bought it.

And it SUCKS! Son of a fuck, it sucks so much that I wanted to hurl it across the room (which, technically, would mean "off the treadmill loft and onto the head of some cute but unsuspecting 'I love the mirror' freeweights guy down below")... and now I'm pissed because I have nothing in the queue to take with me to the gym tonight and, well, tomorrow's the big meeting and I need as many distractions as possible (hello, vodka in the freezer).

I just thought I'd take this opportunity to say that even non-fiction writers owe their readers a personality, their audience a VOICE.

Ugh. Mediocre is just *not* an acceptable baseline level for escapism material (even when the escape is "work-related").

PS--Speaking of other things I'm OVER, let's include my effin' craptastic 'puter and its busted-ass mouse that keeps selecting shit I didn't select and unselecting crap I'm still clicking-and-holding on.

PPS--Good LORD... am I cranky or WHAT?!?

Posted by bonnie at August 27, 2007 7:25 PM


Awww, shoot! I'd lend you something if I were there... I've got a casting stories book I think you said you hadn't gotten to yet... :) Find a copy of Cosmo. ;) Time-honored brain candy. :)

Posted by: Julie at August 27, 2007 7:40 PM

Ooooh, I'm so excited for you, I'm BEAMING!!!

Kiss ass, punkin'!!


Posted by: Anna at August 28, 2007 1:08 PM

Awww! I hate it when that happens...the book thing. Have you read A Killer Life by Christine Vachon? I've got it on my reserve list at the library cause I love the stuff she's produced with Todd Haynes.

Posted by: Beth at August 29, 2007 6:54 AM

Oooooh, A Killer Life is a goooood one! I'm only partway through it and put it down for something else for a bit, but it's a great read!

Posted by: Julie at August 29, 2007 1:01 PM

Son of a fuck

Love this. Nice work, Bon.

Posted by: Cliff at August 30, 2007 2:02 PM

Son of a fuck

Love this. Nice work, Bon.

Posted by: Cliff at August 30, 2007 2:02 PM

Son of a fuck

Love this. Nice work, Bon.

Posted by: Cliff at August 30, 2007 2:02 PM