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August 15, 2007
LA Bloggers Live
Well, thanks to the brilliantly wonderful Colleen Wainwright, I'll be participating in the August edition of LA Bloggers Live next week.

This event takes place at the Tangier Lounge on Wednesday, August 22nd, 6:30pm. (There is a $4 cover charge at the door.) Here's the line-up of live bloggers as of this moment.
Kevin Charnas
Julia Frey
Bonnie Gillespie
Liz Rizzo
Abigail M. Schilling
Colleen Wainwright
So, for those of you who have been hankerin' to hear a little Dear Middle-Aged Balding Entitled A-hole at El Cholo, done all live and proper-like, now's your chance.
I anticipate greatness. The last time I went to hear CoCo do the live blogging thing, I CRIED with laughter. That horrifically wonderful belly-laughter that makes you double over and get a cramp. It's soooooo good.
Thanks for the support, everyone! Hope to see you there!
Posted by bonnie at August 15, 2007 4:24 PM
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