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August 6, 2007

New Thing I've Started Saying All the Time

Okay, so Julie the Rockstar Intern sits in the floor (yeah, she's a floor-sitter. It's not like I don't offer her sofa space. I swear) and flips through headshots. These are headshots that have made their way to the "last chance" stack.

This means they're either going to be tossed out our stored with "folks whose work I know and generally like" even if I don't know their work because they have some sort of something that makes 'em a keeper.

So, as Julie the Rockstar Intern flips through the headshots, she holds one up and I shrug. I say, "Up to you. I can take 'em or leave 'em." Then she looks at the actor's resumé and mentions some reason I might need them in my files. "She speaks Russian." "He rides a unicycle." "She has a twin."

And my answer, at a certain point (usually when I've just glazed over and decided I can't take it anymore... I'm so OVER deciding who should stay in the files and who should hit the trash), becomes, "Yeah, so do I."

So, this is my new thing that I've been saying lately.

I don't know why I find this amusing. It really isn't. Go read Brendan's Laws of Life. Read 'em all (several posts. All funny). He wants more than 11 readers. Yeah, so do I.


No. I don't know why it's funny either. It just is. To me.

Posted by bonnie at August 6, 2007 11:08 PM

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Yeah, so do I.


Posted by: Maria at August 7, 2007 3:46 AM

Bon -- this is o/t :) but....your happy groovy list of links* that you used to have on cricketfeet.com -- is it gone for good? (Hoping it's not!!)

ellen :)

*the links for tons o' stuff, incl. blogs, links to some of the entertainment & gossip papers, etc. Didn't see it there the last time I went to cricketfeet!

Posted by: Ellenlisa at August 7, 2007 11:58 AM

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