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August 26, 2007

The Actors Voice, 8/27/07

Hi Everyone!

Here's how tomorrow's The Actors Voice starts out.


Issues of Race

All righty. Let's get those of you who don't usually read the Your Turn portion of The Actors Voice (tsk, tsk) up to speed. A few weeks back, I was asked the following:

Do you believe that actors of color (black actresses in particular) face any unique challenges out there? Is there anything beyond "preparation meeting opportunity" that we can do to be seen? I don't know if it's "Bitter Actor Syndrome" or what, but I've heard stories of being asked to play slaves time and again, of needing to look like Beyoncé to score a role, etc. I pretty much dismissed these things, because I firmly believe that you create your own reality. What are your thoughts?

So, after running that question once in Your Turn and receiving exactly zero replies when I asked readers to share their experiences, I decided to directly email some of my favorite working actors who could be considered members of ethnic minority groups and find out what they might have to say. Because I received so few replies to that request (even though the replies I did receive were amazing), I again ran this Your Turn last week. And boy, did y'all step up this time! Even many of those actors I had emailed came through, when they realized I was getting so little feedback. THANK YOU!!

What started as a really complicated debate about whether the struggles Hollywood actors face are universal or specifically unique based on issues of race has turned into a really complicated yet inspiring collection of, basically, how to work through it all, no matter who you are or how you're built. [Please note that whenever someone has asked to be quoted without attribution that I personally know that actor and can assure you that his or her IMDB credits are at a level to which most actors--of any race--would aspire.]


Continue reading this column in the morning, along with a Your Turn in which I ask for your help in directing an actor to some good resources for stand-in work at Showfax.com.

As always, THANK YOU for reading!

Live your dreams! If you don't, someone else will.

Posted by bonnie at August 26, 2007 8:54 PM
