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August 12, 2007
The Actors Voice, 8/13/07
Hi Everyone!
Here's how tomorrow's The Actors Voice starts out.
What's Your Motivation
Ah, Alfred Hitchcock got it right. "When an actor comes to me and wants to discuss his character, I say, 'It's in the script.' If he says, 'But what's my motivation?' I say, 'Your salary.'" Awesome. Method Actors may want to argue with me, as I side with Hitch, but I think some actors spend so much time mired in thoughts of how to bring realism to their characters that they sometimes spin off the grid of reality itself. It's actually pretty simple: You're hired to do a job. Do it. HOW you do should be invisible to everyone else. Get "there" by doing whatever it takes to get you there. Just do it. But the more you let others in on your process (that is, until you're being interviewed by James Lipton), the higher the risk you're causing someone to glaze over and start thinking of that other, less "precious" actor we could've cast.
Please understand that I'm not bashing any one acting technique or the actors who subscribe to it. Hey, if you can bring the talent, I'm gonna cast you eventually, and I really don't care HOW you get there. But that's really the point: It's not about HOW to anyone outside of you. And I'm not just talking about connecting with the characters you portray. I'm talking about doing the rounds, networking, meeting with agents, staying on the radar of casting directors, doing plays, whatever! Your process is as unique as you are and what works for you might not work for anyone else. But this column isn't about motivation in your acting technique.
See, if there's one thing I've learned about this showbiz thing, it's that most folks seem to think there's some magic recipe to success in the industry. And that if they could just get their hands on that recipe, they'd be living their dreams. Well, I hate to break it to you, but there's just no such thing as one magic recipe. You take a look at what others are doing, try on some things, decide what works for you and discard what does not, and stay focused, disciplined, and committed to walking your path. As for what, specifically, motivates you to walk the path of the actor, well, let's look at some good and not-so-good types of motivation.
Continue reading this column in the morning, along with a Your Turn filled with follow-up emails on last week's "Don't Drop the Ball" at Showfax.com.
Be sure to visit The Actors Voice: POV for a POV from a self-proclaimed "Auditioning Actor" on Wednesday the 15th!
Woo hoo!
As always, THANK YOU for reading!
Live your dreams! If you don't, someone else will.
Posted by bonnie at August 12, 2007 8:12 PM
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