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September 12, 2007

12 of 12 for September 2007

Woo hoo! After a month off from 12 of 12, it's back! Right here at the BonBlogs! Woo! And then hoo!

12:31am: Don't bother them. They're eating.

2:20am: BONUS PIC (Today's bonus was "UNEXPECTED.") I think it's rather unexpected that I spent an hour trolling the Big Brother forums to read transcripts of live feeds in order to find out who won the first leg of the "Head of Household" competition. While watching TiVoed So You Wanna Be a Soap Star. Good Lord, how low can you go, casting director? I'll just admit it. I do loves me some reality TV junk. (How long 'til ANTM is back?)

3:01am: Ready for this? THIS is exactly all of the remaining stock of Self-Management for Actors (other than the few hundred at our distributor's warehouse, which should be depleted via retailers within a few months). So... big decision was made today. SMFA, 3rd ed. coming your way by pilot season. Yes, this means I have to say no to casting a film. Booooooo! But, hey... it means... new book! Ready, Proofer Patrol?

7:10am: Up from a three-hour sleep and... yup... there's Archie. On me as usual. Good morning, Sunshine.

9:30am: After doing some email from bed, it's time for cuddling! Yay!

12:14pm: After the most recent actor contract comes through via fax, it's time to archive the second of two pilots I've cast in the past month. This has been sooooo gratifying!! Cast pages (in progress) are linked at the Cricket Feet Casting website.

12:36pm: Time for lunch! Amy's gluten-free chili. Yum!

1:51pm: Gotta check last night's lottery numbers. Damn. One of these days, I tell ya....

2:32pm: Time to work in the bedroom. It's where the A/C is hooked up. Much better.

2:44pm: The task was getting our 55 submitted comedic scenes for the Cricket Feet Showcase down to the 16 or 17 we'll use. I think I'm down to 30 at this point. Y'know... then I have to cast 'em. And do punch-up.

4:01pm: Still at it.

5:44pm: Loves me some Final Draft. I actually resurrected a scene I had written and then scrapped. We now are back up to 26 top scenes, after having gotten down to 25. Did I mention we need it down to 16 or 17? And we need 'em to all be kind of dissimilar in tone, style, relationship, and whatnot? Yeah. Busy.

11:11pm: All righty, Keith is now in bed. I've slept with him for about 20 minutes. Now I'm going to get up, shower, and get back to work in the living room, since it has cooled off nicely. Guess who joins me? Archie. Yes. He is my constant companion today, it seems.

News coming shortly about that big hush-hush venture I've been involved with (y'know, with The Hollywood Reporter, Breakdown Services, and superagent Marc Bass). It all goes live tomorrow. And no, this still isn't that BIG THING I'm keeping quiet. Another month still, 'til the disclosure on that. *giggle* Oh, and yes, I flaked on calling Mr. Superagent back last week. I was swamped that day and haven't had a second since then. But I am being interviewed by UTV of Ireland Friday for a documentary they're doing on "making it" in Hollywood. BBC Breakfast in Feb. 2007... now this? I'm sensing a trend. Hmm... 2008 book tour to the UK?

Posted by bonnie at September 12, 2007 11:50 PM

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Great shots! :) As usual.

Posted by: Beth at September 13, 2007 5:31 AM

Hi Bon! (waves)
I'm totally up for the next round of Proofer Patrol. Just let me know when & I'm there!

Posted by: Hannah at September 13, 2007 8:22 AM

Proofer Patrol member ready for duty, ma'am!

And I got through exactly one picture for 12-on-12 yesterday, of the sign in front of the Fairfield Inn in Roanoke, Va., before I spent the next 7 hours driving to Akron, Ohio ... and honestly, I couldn't come up with 11 more pix here in Akron. So I'll try again in October when I'm out at baseball games in Arizona!!!

Posted by: Lisa at September 13, 2007 2:23 PM

Man! I wish I could work in bed. Love the cats, as always!

Posted by: Maria at September 13, 2007 5:03 PM

Yikes! 3:01 am AND 7:10 am and then up till midnight?
Did you get a nap?

Posted by: catie at September 13, 2007 10:53 PM

Love the pics! Looks like Archie makes a great supervisor. :)

Posted by: Linda at September 13, 2007 11:54 PM

Dude, I didn't know you visited givememyremote.com, too! Love that site! (Though I'll admit, I skip the 'Big Brother' recaps - don't watch the show)

Posted by: Jennie at September 14, 2007 11:42 AM

I am soooo disgusted with Big Brother. I'm not even sure I will watch the final episodes. Ugh.

Posted by: drc at September 14, 2007 1:03 PM

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