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September 21, 2007
CricketFeet.com email outage! Bleh!
Okay, so it seems that the Cricket Feet mail server had some DNS record weirdness between the time stamps of 11:47am on 20 September 2007 and 3:16am 21 September 2007.
So, any mail sent during that stretch of time to any address ending in "cricketfeet.com," "hollywoodhappyhour.com," or "faithsalie.com" never made it. Bonus: No sender received a bounceback of any kind.
So, not only do we not know who *might* have sent us email, but they do not know we didn't receive it. Neat, huh?
Now... I what? Email anyone who *might* have reached out to say, "Hey, um... didn't get it," or just look like the a-hole who never wrote back to who knows what?
Wondered why I was able to get so much done yesterday. No email!
PS--The BonBlogs currently have 3333 comments. That amuses me. Geek.
Posted by bonnie at September 21, 2007 10:14 AM