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September 15, 2007

It Is Done

Well, it isn't done. It is decided.

Remember the little tidbit about SMFA in my 12 of 12 the other day?


3:01am: Ready for this? THIS is exactly all of the remaining stock of Self-Management for Actors (other than the few hundred at our distributor's warehouse, which should be depleted via retailers within a few months). So... big decision was made today. SMFA, 3rd ed. coming your way by pilot season. Yes, this means I have to say no to casting a film. Booooooo! But, hey... it means... new book! Ready, Proofer Patrol?


Yeah. Okay. So, on the 12th, we decided to go forward with a 3rd edition. And we decided to make it available for Pilot Season 2008. Yes, that means that somewhere between the casting I'm already doing, the showcase I'm already producing, and the weekly column I'm already writing, I'm to get a NEW edition of my baby to the printer (a NEW printer, BTW) by Thanksgiving.

Oh, and what did we do today, while entering the sales data (at the absolute last possible moment for our distributor's catalogue deadline)?

We decided to add a whole new section to the book.

Not a paragraph.
Not a chapter.
A whole new section.

Welcome, Part Seven: Advanced SMFA.

Oh dear GAWD do I ever need a drink about now.


PS--Other updates from the 12 of 12 whatnots:

Love y'all!

Posted by bonnie at September 15, 2007 7:44 PM

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