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September 4, 2007

Okay, so...

No news. Sorry.

However, I did grab some balls and call Mr. Superagent at 6:45pm (after having spent a good part of the day on the phone with a good many other superagent types--closing deals on The Kitty Landers Show pilot--which got me thinking, "Why am I so weirded out about this? I talk to these cats ALL the time. Call him. Yes, again. Just do it," right as an email from MCJ--HBTY, MCJ--came in, making me sure it was a sign I needed to make the call).

Highlights of the conversation:

So. There it is. Whatevz.

Continued thanks for all of the lovely vibes y'all continue to send.

It's hot.

(I know, that's a Ga. Tech Yellow Jacket... it's what I had local. Y'know.)


PS--Visit Julia's site for a very cool "spied a funny T-shirt" post.
PPS--Also came across this while looking for superagent-related images. Weird, huh?

Posted by bonnie at September 4, 2007 7:43 PM



Posted by: Julie at September 4, 2007 8:49 PM

Yeah, being a Buckeye, I TOTALLY hate the Gators after the number they did on us TWICE last year. Bah on no news.

Posted by: Amy at September 4, 2007 11:58 PM

Oh I hate waiting!! I've emailed my principal very politely about my concern over the fact that I still only have 2 students. (Really, not as great as it sounds.) I know it's night and I only emailed her 30-45 minutes ago, but I'm antsy for an answer. I just very nicely said my concern was what would happen if intakes did not continue at the level where they have been and my class does not increase in size.

I hate waiting!!

Posted by: Beth at September 5, 2007 5:23 PM

Hey Bonnie, it's great to see that you're doing so well. I love to see aspiring actresses succeed in this business. There are so many people who want to achieve so much in this world, and it's just really nice to see someone doing it and doing it well. Good luck with everything!


Posted by: Louis Foxfire at September 11, 2007 7:13 PM

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