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October 20, 2007
Good News/Bad News
Good News:
Broken Windows is through post, which means we'll be having a screening here before too long. Look at that GORGEOUS cast (plus two producers and a director)! (*trying not to get a cramp while I pat myself on the back*) Click the photo to enlarge it. Wow! That's awesome.
Bad News:
My bad back is now worse. And in a different place. So it's like the place that was all "out" a week and a half ago is fine but a new place is "out." And I am sooooooo over that crap! I can't finish the organizing without being able to sit in the floor and dig through this crap all at once. Ugh!
Good News:
Ten days after being told that there's a six-week waiting period before new writers get a shot, my writing has been selected for the Naked Angels' Tuesdays@9 reading series on Tuesday the 23rd. I am beside myself with joy and panic. Please come out and show your support (and maybe read) if you're up for it. I'm sooo excited!
Bad News:
My great aunt has passed away. :( We were actually pretty close, as "great aunt/great niece" relationships go. I am very sad.
Good News:
A lovely romantic getaway is on tap for next weekend. I have never needed two solid days of spa treatments so much. Blisssssssssssss.
Bad News:
Fixing a Hole is now officially on hiatus. I just have no way of finishing the physical organizing now. And it's time to get back to work-work. I's got shit ta do!
Good News:
In the past 36 hours, I have slept 33 hours. (That's good news, right? It's certainly weird news.)
Yes, more good news than bad. That's how I roll.
Posted by bonnie at October 20, 2007 7:42 PM
My congratulations and consolations. Hope your back is well.
Posted by: David Lawrence at October 21, 2007 5:37 AM
I'm sorry to hear of your aunt's passing. My deepest sympathies, bon. *hugs*
Posted by: Amy at October 22, 2007 2:34 AM
Man, what a mix of bad/good news.
I'm sorry I'll miss your thing tonight--have a schmancy dinner with the one friend of my dad's who stuck by my sister and me through the ugliness.
It's cool, though--way cool. Have fun!
Posted by: communicatrix at October 23, 2007 4:28 PM