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November 29, 2007

I'm Huge in Ireland

So, this was a nice treat.

A couple of months back, I shot a segment with Gerry Kelly of UTV (that's Ulster Television, for those--like me--who don't really keep up with Irish television).

The "doing of it" was fun and funny and cute and I hoped the finished product would be too.

And it was. I just finished watching the DVD they sent and it is just so dang cute!

Click me and Gerry to watch a little snippet.

I love that Jackie Collins warns him not to trust anyone who says she wants to "do lunch" with you... and then I say, "We'll do lunch" to Gerry.

Love it. Love it, love it, love it.

The whole thing is just so cute. The hour includes bits with me--Bonnie Gillespie, y'all, Judy Kerr, Geraldine Hughes (who, in the smallest of small world senses, I cast in a play I directed seven years ago), Roma Downey, Lily Tomlin, Mary Kay Place, John Amos, and of course Gerry Kelly and Jackie Collins.

Kelly Goes to Hollywood Friday 9 November

Gerry heads off to Hollywood. At a time when everyone wants to be famous, Gerry decides to try his hand at making it as an actor in La-La land!

Along the way he attends an acting class and meets with a casting director to try and work out what type of character he could play.

Gerry also gets some top acting tips from a couple of Northern Irish actresses and a certain British born novelist who have all achieved huge success in America.

So, there you have it. 2007 included an appearance on BBC Breakfast (and I totally need to dig that DVD out. I was so busy when it arrived that I haven't even watched it, much less done any screen caps) and UTV's Kelly Goes to Hollywood. What fun!

Posted by bonnie at November 29, 2007 1:29 PM


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