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November 28, 2007

The Ghost of Brenda Future

Okay, so I'm a huge 90210 fan. Huge.


So, this weekend, while I'm watching the best of the best show (ie: 90210--The Brenda Years), there's a commercial for a MOW starring none other than the lovely Shannen Doherty... as someone obviously wearing "age makeup." I mean, she has to have been cast as a ghost of her future or something, right?

Don't believe how bad it is? Click the above photo to see a little movie file I nabbed from the TV (excuse the audio--it's a digital still camera that, surprise, can shoot short little movies. Something I discovered just that moment. Hee!).

Did she piss off hair and makeup? The lighting guys? Everyone? I mean, the MOW looks bad enough... but WOW. She is looking way more than her 36 years (um... I'm 37. I don't have that many wrinkles. Egad! Do I?!? You'd tell me, right?) now.

I'll just focus on the "good ol' days." The Brenda Years. *sigh*

Posted by bonnie at November 28, 2007 5:18 PM


a digital still camera that, surprise, can shoot short little movies >>>

My camera has this capability, too!

It's actually surprisingly high-quality on my PowerShot (deffo YouTube/online film fest ready). Hoping to shoot a short film with it later this month. Hooray for adventures! :)

Posted by: Jennie at November 28, 2007 5:46 PM

Oh my god, how did I forget to tell you that I saw Gabrielle Carteris (sp?) on the picket line?!??!?!? And she's lookin' good!

Posted by: Erik at November 28, 2007 6:45 PM

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