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November 10, 2007

Virtual Picket Line

Walk the Virtual Picket line for the WGA

A lot of you have asked how you can help the WGA during the strike.

1) Inform yourself and your friends why the WGA is striking by sharing the video WGA: Why We Fight

2) Sign the petition. United Hollywood has created a Petition for you to be able to voice your support of the WGA! Go sign it, then pass the word around to everyone you know.

3) Change your profile picture into a virtual picket sign. This is going to take all of us showing support to critical mass.

1) Right Click on the image above.
2) Save to your desktop.
3) Upload the photo to MySpace
4) Make it your default picture on Monday.

And then send an email blast, a bulletin, announce in a blog/or post on your page that MySpace is going to illustrate the force of the internet by asking all those who support the WGA to please turn their profile page image into a virtual picket sign for the duration of the strike.

Imagine for just a second what a great visual it would be for studio execs and multi media congloms to see the images on the news in the papers... and on their computers of all those MySpace faces picketing in the virtual world in solidarity. Pretty darn powerful stuff, right?!

Various news outlets will be running stories on WGA members utilizing viral marketing techniques in the next several days. World News Tonight already featured such a story on Thursday evening.

Let's make the most of this future coverage!

The communities at Facebook will also be helping in this effort through the virtual horn honking application that is presently being programmed. They are also being asked to replace their pictures with picket signs!

The multi media congloms say the internet is experimental.

Posted by bonnie at November 10, 2007 10:50 PM


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