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December 22, 2007
Why We Write: a must-read
So, while I was in the dentist chair, Nikki Finke posted the first in a series of essays called "Why We Write" (the brainchild of WGA members Charlie Craig and Thania St. John). I am now de-Novocained enough to use my computer for a moment. (And why do they only give a girl Motrin after such a painful procedure and assure her, "It'll do," for the pain?)
This first one is by Greg Garcia (My Name Is Earl) and, like I said in this blog post's title, it's a must-read. Made me laugh and cry, as good writing is known to do.
Of course, they're looking for contributions from high-profile WGA members, but if they want my take on it, I'd recommend posts like "The Human Element," "The Strike," "Community, Creativity, and Cheers," and probably the last couple of paragraphs in "So, this was fun."
Go. Read. Be inspired. Remember why we love these brilliant, creative people.
Posted by bonnie at December 22, 2007 1:05 AM