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January 14, 2008

Can I Just Say?

I am so looking forward to the end of this silliness.

That's right. There's only one more chance for you to wear your goofy New Year Glasses, folks. God bless you, 2010. Can't wait.

In other news, I'm in that annoying stage of the illness (seriously, there's this Hollywood Crud going around like crazy) that is no longer feeling like I'm sick yet I am incapable of speaking without going into a ten-minute coughing fit. It's lovely. I'm coughing more than I'm not coughing... and it's just that dry, nothing cough. Keeps me from getting any sleep. And well, that's just delightful. For everyone.

What else? Made cast offers on two roles today, which is always fun. One is to an "OMG HUGE" celeb and the other is to, well, an also pretty huge celeb type and that offer has already been met with an, "extremely excited" response. The fact that both of these offers are coming off pitches is huge. Oh, I love my job!

Gotta get this throat in order. Wanna meet with Blake and do Tuesdays@9 tomorrow, have to be better in time for SAG CAP on Wednesday, and we shoot two test scenes for the showcase web-series on Thursday. Not un-busy. STOP COUGHING!

That is all.

Posted by bonnie at January 14, 2008 8:45 PM


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