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January 28, 2008
Candidate Match (with Bobbleheads!)
So, that was fun! ;)

I saw on the morning news a "Candidate Match" generator thingy, so I went and plugged in my opinions on issues and found out who the computer says I should vote for.

And then I went and got bobbleheads for my computer-generated top three! :) Hee!
And then, just because it was so dang cute, I had to get a little bobbling-HUCKABEE:
Seriously! Mouse over his little head! Heeeeeee!
I'm so easily amused.
Posted by bonnie at January 28, 2008 7:54 AM
um...who the hell is mike gravel?! he is my number one match (that's who?).
i mean, come on bobblehead people. i'm trying to *reduce* my field of candidates, here...!
Posted by: Babes at January 28, 2008 7:48 PM
ooh - fuck-a-bee... he scares me more than king george.
but the bobble heads are cool as hell
Posted by: kyle at January 29, 2008 5:11 PM