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January 3, 2008
Have You Met My New Boyfriend?
His name is Craig.

I love him. I adore him. I will replay his opening monologue on an endless loop and laugh with glee constantly.
Super-tight runner-up position goes to Dave. Next is Conan (assuming his "schtick" was designed to show how much he needs his writers). Then Jimmy. Then newly-anointed asshat Jay. Then reigning douchebag Carson, cleaning up the dung left behind by those who had at least a couple of weeks' more class.
That is all I have to say at 2am.
Posted by bonnie at January 3, 2008 1:59 AM
Hey Bon! Where can we view this brilliant opening monologue? :)
I like Craig. He was cool on LoveLine. ;)
Posted by: Julie at January 3, 2008 12:54 PM