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January 1, 2008

Help me understand this, please.

Now, I've not done much "office time" in my working life. (Some. Enough. Believe me; enough. Rolling around on a plastic pad behind a desk gives me hives.)

But I've never seen one of these. (Still haven't in real life. Just saw it while perusing porn. ("porn" = "the Staples catalogue") And it seemed odd.)

I mean, I understand needing a tape dispenser. We have one. But with TWO rolls of tape? (One Scotch Transparent, one Scotch Magic, per the photo in the catalogue.) Because sometimes you need both types of tape within a very limited span of time and having to reach farther away than an inch would mean crisis in your office?

Just wondering.

PS--Goooooooooooooooo DAWGS!!

Posted by bonnie at January 1, 2008 6:19 PM


Well Georgia made short work of Hawaii. The word steamroll comes to mind.
And you are now officially the first person I know who has ever used the words "porn" and "Staples catalogue" in the same sentence, lol.

Posted by: CJC at January 1, 2008 9:39 PM

1. I'm convinced the 2008 Georgia team will be one of the best teams in college football history (certainly in Georgia history). I mean... look at all of these Freshmen!!!! Wow!

2. It will absolutely not be the last time you see me associate porn with office supplies. Seriously. It's a fetish.


Posted by: bon Author Profile Page at January 1, 2008 9:55 PM

This desk-top gem is not classified as adult themed party Supplies.
This is a dual-tape dispenser and as such is classified as office products for the anal retentive. Serious stuff folks.
I know.
I push pens and pencils for my income. I am THE expert.
It’s the work that enables my passions.
It’s not sexy but it really pays the bills, and I mean really.
So, this little baby can hold two sizes of tape, ¾ inch and 1 inch width.
Conversely it can hold both crystal and ‘mending’ or invisible tape.
Imagine yourself sitting at your desk about to ‘tape’ something, with this multi-tape holder you would have a choice. You would ask yourself would it be better to use Crystal? Invisible? You could even sample each then decide.
Like I said anal.
I love anal. If it were not for anal I would not sell the hundreds that I do.
Dual tape dispensers that is.
I sincerely hope that helps you to understand the purpose of this product.
If you wish to purchase one pm me.

(Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!!)

Posted by: Susan Jones at December 29, 2008 6:00 PM

Oh good Lord, Susan. Really?

I cannot imagine needing to have easy access to two types of tape at once!

Sounds lovely and anal, yes. And excessive for my needs.

I NEVER thought I would say that about office supplies. Because when the Office Depot catalogue comes, it's like porn for me!!!!

Love you, Susan! XO to you and the kiddo!

Posted by: bon Author Profile Page at January 1, 2009 3:37 PM

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