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January 10, 2008

More Geeky Casting Numbers

Phew! I'm exhausted. And with good reason.

The breakdown for Scratching the Surface went out around 11am Monday. As of 12:30am today, here are the numbers.

Total submissions (on nine speaking roles): 9907 (Amy = 1241, Jake = 1517, Maggie = 1119, Shelley = 1111, Mick = 1472, Mrs. Shifman = 384, Steve = 1735, Mr. Edelman = 840, Mrs. Westin = 408)

Number of agencies/management firms submitting (from California, New York, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, New Mexico, Washington, British Columbia, and Ontario, so far): 449

Number of actors self-submitting via Actors Access: 4723

Now, you've probably already read about how I score the "selects" in the first day or two of casting.

This morning, the numbers are assigned a different value structure:

1 = name actors (their names will help us sell the film, get distribution, inspire investors to come up with even more money)

2 = actors whose work I know (this includes actors who, in Hollywood, are definitely "name" actors and certainly people we would all love to work with, but whose names aren't so weighty that you needn't do a little, "You know... the guy from that show..." in order to explain who the actor is to someone in the real world. It also includes actors I've cast before, actors who've come to callbacks with me before, actors whose work I've always liked even if we've never met at an audition, etc.)

3 = actors who included demo reels with their submissions, so we have one last chance to see their work and decide whether we'd like to have them advance further. We may or may not ever get to watching all of these reels, sadly. This is the "next-to-be-cut" group of actors, unless something inspires us to keep 'em in the mix (we're also looking at actors' self-submitted YouTube footage at the Cricket Feet Casting group on that site).

And numbers, right now, go like this:

109 actors ranked 1
1919 actors ranked 2
1416 actors ranked 3

Looks like we'll make some offers this week (or early next week) to top contenders/name actors pitched for the roles of Mrs. Shifman and Mr. Edelman (seriously, folks, if you could see the "OMIGOD YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME" level of pitches for these two roles alone, you'd be agog). Then we'll decide on some next round offers and/or name actor meetings to arrange, choose sides and audition dates, and then start deciding who gets invited to those prereads.

Yippee! It's way fun to be a casting geek! Hee!

Thanks for enjoying the ride with me (and for those of you who don't, well, um... I hope that my post's titles serve as "spoiler warnings" to keep you from reading and getting depressed. It's just not depressing to me. It's my JOB, baby! I love it).

Posted by bonnie at January 10, 2008 3:59 AM


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