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January 15, 2008


I tuned in for about six minutes (maybe five) of the 2008 Golden Globes thingy

(and if you know me, you know that the Golden Globes' ceremony is my all time favorite of ALL Hollywood award bullcrap that takes place each year. It brings TV and film together, it is festive, cable and broadcast, studio and indies, above and below the line folks hang out out party... it is good)

and my only thought, after consuming that 300 or so seconds of mediocrity was this:

"Oh my GAWD, this is exactly the way they were watching 'stuff' in that horrible future version of life as depicted in Back to the Future II. I'm pretty sure I saw the fake-old Michael J. Fox scanning this version of the Golden Globes on his big screen in his future sterile living room while 'now-real Michael J. Fox' watched from the closet."


The future is now. That's what I've learned.

Posted by bonnie at January 15, 2008 1:56 AM


Everyone just seems to have a lot more fun at the Golden Globes. And the speeches tend to be far more on the awesome side than Oscars.

I attribute both of these qualities to the fact that they're given booze and they get tipsy super-quick 'cause they haven't eaten anything all week to slip into the pretty gowns.

Really, it's good times for all, and I was sad to have to watch any Billy Bush as a trade-off. Damn, I miss the writers.

Posted by: Jennie at January 15, 2008 10:14 AM

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