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January 6, 2008
Y'know, I love him, but...
the next time I get off the sofa and Archie steals my warm seat while I'm up, I'm just gonna shave him bald for my own entertainment.

Photo of Archie from December 2003 at the old apartment on the old-old computer on the Duran Duran crate. He still sleeps on that computer like it's his own heatrock (but that computer now lives on Keith's desk, and Archie only seems to want to be on it when it will most annoy Keith).
Theme: Archie likes to be "in the way" which, in Archie language, means "in love."
Non-Archie-related note: Breakdown for Scratching the Surface goes out tomorrow! Check CricketFeet.com/Casting for a link directly to the submission page. SOOOOOOO EXCITED! :)
Posted by bonnie at January 6, 2008 9:17 PM
heart that crate....and heart orange kitties.
Posted by: Amy at January 7, 2008 2:12 AM
Meeee tooooo, meeeee toooooo, and I HEART your Xmas card! Soooooooo cute! :) Thankee. XO
Posted by: bon at January 7, 2008 2:29 AM