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February 12, 2008

12 of 12 for Feb08

Another "didn't leave the house" edition of 12 of 12 (but this one was due to WORK, baby, not the other thing).

(New to 12 of 12? Visit Mr. Chad Darnell for the details, rules, and links to all of the other 12 of 12ers out there participating. And leave comments. 12'ers love comments!)

12:08am: Updating the OS on Sid and reviewing my overnight "To Do" list. Includes work on Scratching the Surface, The Quest, Cricket Feet Showcase, two new films for 2008 and 2009 (see below), and Self-Management for Actors' 3rd edition. I'm exhausted just listing it all.

12:59am: Pass/consider time. We get some really amazing submissions of comedic scenes for the showcase. We have to decide what's best. So, there's a team of readers (need some new volunteers, actually) and we all score "pass/consider" for each scene and writer. Then we cast the show. ;)

1:35am: Up from a half-hour nap (yes, really) and back to work... but first... leftover sushi from Houston's. Yummmmmmmm. I seriously get four meals out of this thing... and could eat it every day. Delish!

3:09am: Thwok has decided to come help with my "To Do" list. She's very helpful that way. And pushy, for a ten-pound critter.

4:00am: I have a splitting headache that just came over me FAST. Cannot seem to shake it. Gonna try an Excedrin and a half (yes, that's my limit. I know. Wimp) and some pistachios. And water. Lots of water.

5:33am: Showcase scenes. See? Lots of 'em. I have now emailed all of the showcase auditioners who have answered their Cmail questionnaires (Q: What is WITH the huge number of actors who don't check Actors Access Cmail? Crazy!!!!), put Eitan's pass/considers into the grid, updated Ulmer Scale numbers on The Quest pitch spreadsheet, and analyzed the first breakdown and treatment on those above- and below-mentioned two upcoming films. Time to email a bid and get a nap before sun-up.

6:10am: Turning the page on the "Common Errors in English Usage" calendar. Who the hell would ever spell "holistic" "wholistic" anyway? (Some entries are better than others, I tell ya.) And NOW off to bed for a sleep cycle.

8:40am: Yup. That's how much email has come in, in 90 minutes while the world is sleeping. Up to make sure an actor got an email from me, canceling his meeting with the creative team behind The Quest (because if he didn't, I'm up and on the phone, now). Yup. He got it. Phew. Back to sleep.

10:32am: But not for long. The phone won't stop ringing. So, up I am. :) Pilot season is officially back on, and the agents are hopped up on caffeine and calling all of their favorite CDs about everything that had been back-burnered for a few months. Today four deal memos go out. Finally. :)

11:45am: I've never filled up a call log book this quickly. Keith just ordered six more online. Amazing what casting so much at once will do.

3:15pm: Thwok is hunting. She's certain she can get that bird that's nesting in the tree outside our window. Sometimes I believe her!

4:11pm: Archie sunbathing next to a stack of showcase materials I've recently pulled back out of storage. Yup. It's that time again! Auditions next week! :) Was that a "break"? Eesh! Good thing I love this thing! :)

6:18pm: Faxing sides to Showfax.com for producer sessions on the role of MICK in Scratching the Surface before close of business. Really looking forward to meeting these actors (no, appointments haven't gone out yet) and especially the producer and director on this film! The producer and I are already committed to work on his next two feature films together this year and next, so I can't wait to hug his neck! :)

7:48pm: Making the final list of actors to invite to those sessions. One round of name actor meetings, one round of chemistry reads with borderline namey actors, and one round of good ol' producer callbacks. Love it! That's a good day!

8:33pm: Fresh out of the shower and realizing that our medicine cabinet is about the largest space for "stuff" in a bathroom ever. I don't know if we can ever go back to regular-sized medicine cabinets. (Oh, and 95% of our medicine lives in the kitchen. I know. Weird.)

Yeah, I know, that was more than 12... but let's call it 12 of 12 plus bonus kitty photos. Everyone loves kitty photos! ;) Thanks for visiting!

PS--Ding dong, the strike is dead! :) Yay! I cannot change my "in support of the WGA" avatar fast enough! Phew! Congrats, writers. So glad you got a good deal!!

Posted by bonnie at February 12, 2008 11:23 PM


Dagnabbit1 Every time you post this, I kick myself because I never remember to do one myself!

one of these days...

Great photos, Bon, and have a great day (made just a tad greater now that the writer's strike is over, eh?)

Posted by: Hal at February 13, 2008 4:28 PM

Look - we ended up side my side in Chad's comments for 12 of 12. Followed by your brother Bill L. :-)

I always love how Thwok looks so serious about helping you.

Posted by: Joni at February 13, 2008 8:07 PM

I see things are not as hectic this month, but still hard at work. I understand... I end up putting in 80 hrs a week during the season, but I make sure I don't take work home with me. That would be hard to do for me considering my profession, but I'm sure I could find something to take home. I find it's much easier to just flip the switch once I leave work and not turn it back on until the alram goes off in the morning.

Posted by: Hibe AKA Gary at February 13, 2008 9:53 PM

What's this 'while the world was sleeping' business? You mean while y'all were sleeping in the US? ;)

Posted by: Dom at February 14, 2008 6:10 AM

I like the pic of kitty in the window. And things and stuff.

Posted by: Bill Lipp at February 14, 2008 12:00 PM

Your kitties are gorgeous, especially Thwok. What a GREAT name for a cat...and he looks like he has the personality to match!

Posted by: Scooter at February 14, 2008 12:34 PM

Such a lot of work! I hope you enjoy your new projects - with the help of Thwok of course! (I love that name [lol]).

Posted by: Helen (Dogeared) at February 14, 2008 12:53 PM

Thwok is still freaking me out, Bon! I'm going to call her Thwok-Pie from now on. Does she talk a lot?

You are just one busy humming bee. Glad to hear all the good things coming round for you!

Posted by: Michele at February 16, 2008 8:59 AM

I was worn out just reading it. Makes me glad I just work with trash. (:o)

Posted by: steveintx at February 17, 2008 3:44 AM

Hal, I do believe that you will--someday--remember. And then not have to kick yourself at all. :) I have faith!

Joni, did we? I didn't go back and visit Chad's site. No time. I'm serious. And yes, Thwok is very intense about her helper status. Very. ;)

Gary, if you can figure out a way for me to not take my work home with me but still work from home, I'll name a pet after you! :) Hee!

Dominic, I meant it as a total joke, since there is no way that anyone is sleeping in that tiny little window that I call "while the world was sleeping." Except for me. And that makes me the world. ;) You know. ;) Hee!

Ah, Bill, you're so good to me. ;) And things and stuff.

Thanks, Scooter! Isn't that a great name for a cat? She totally earned it too. It's the sound she makes when she runs into the wall, chasing some phantom thing. :) Hee!

I DO enjoy my new projects, Helen. A great deal. Thank you! And yeah, Thwok helps the time pass with loads of entertainment during work. ;)

Michele, Thwok is now officially "Thwok-Pie" for you. You betcha!! :) She talks a blue-streak. She LOVES to tell me about her day. And the more I say, "Oh, really? And then what happened?" the more excited she gets to keep telling me stories. Hee! Thank you for all of the love. Yeah, it's a busy, wonderful time. :) Happy busy me! :)

Hee, Steve! You crack me up!! Heeeeeeee!

Posted by: Bon at March 2, 2008 8:42 PM

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