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February 16, 2008
And it's all Mercury Retrograde's fault.
(Well, that's not true. I'll take some of the blame, as I certainly know well enough by now that I'm to double-check and triple-check everything communicated to me during Mercury Retrograde.)
Okay, so on the 5th, I agreed to speak at the Musical Theatre Competitions of America event at Fullerton College today. I was told I could have 1pm or 2pm, and I chose 2pm. Even put it on my calendar.
Had received two follow-up emails from the coordinator going over things like parking and day-of cell phone numbers for emergencies... and flagged those emails to print out today, before hopping in the car for our drive to Fullerton ('round 12:30pm or so, to get there a little early).
Guess what time my talk was? 12:30pm.
Guess what time I realized that? 12:10pm, when I printed out the emails we'd need in the car on the drive over to Fullerton for "my 2pm talk."
Son of a FUCK!
I am mortified and bummed and pissed and all that other good stuff.
Good one, Mercury Retrograde. I thought I was going to escape your wrath this time out, as I've been soooooo on top of everything these few weeks (and not without a huge expense of energy, patience, diplomacy, and grace). Nicely played, waiting 'til your last hours to be sure I got a good ass-kicking.
Now, go away. Thank you.
Posted by bonnie at February 16, 2008 1:22 PM
he he he i just can't stop thinking about my flight home from oslo today, and how i win.
(i brought you paper money...even though the smallest paper currency in norway is over ten dollars!)
but i know you love me. and will buy me a drink for a 50 kroner. so all is good, wherever mercury may be.
Posted by: Babes at February 16, 2008 11:19 PM
Yay!!! Can't wait!!! :)
Posted by: Bon at March 2, 2008 8:26 PM