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February 25, 2008
My life since 1am Thursday.
Sleep. Blow nose. Cough. NyQuil. Sleep. Blow nose. Dry heaves. Cry. NyQuil. Sleep. Blow nose. Hack up something really ugly. NyQuil. Sleep. Check email. Ignore phone ringing off hook. NyQuil. Sleep. Update showcase website. Check email. Have Keith handle as much of my job as he possibly can. NyQuil. Sleep. Blow nose. Hack up something really ugly. Moan. Cry. NyQuil. Sleep. Lose all sense of humor. Try to take a shower. Cry. NyQuil. Sleep. Cry. Try to eat. Bad idea. NyQuil. Sleep.
And now I HAVE TO leave the house for the first time since Wednesday night, still ignoring the mountain of calls and emails that have come in about casting gigs, producing issues, and even the bad-ass web series for the showcase; still relying on Keith to do most of the heavy lifting (even as he's back to work at CSI: Miami and running all over town for me and himself); and still saying NO to everything else I'm being asked to deal with tomorrow because I have TWO speaking engagements on Wednesday and no way to get out of those.
Conserving energy.
So, any of you who own stock in Puffs Plus with Aloe or NyQuil, be happy. I've gone through so much of your product in the past four and a half days that you are certainly very rich because of me.
I am the worst patient on the planet!!!!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Hollywood Crud, be gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Edited to add:]
Bonus! On endless loop in my head: "Boys in the Hood" by Dynamite Hack in a mash-up with "Buy Me a Rainbow" from that episode of The Family Guy in which Meg gets a makeover and the family starts up a singing-in-prisons tour. Niiiiice.
Posted by bonnie at February 25, 2008 3:51 PM
aw.....poor Bon.
P.S., Family Guy cracks me up........
Posted by: CJC at February 25, 2008 10:45 PM
I thought for sure one of the songs from those hot music videos that ran during 90210 closing credits would be in that music loop.
"Jeremy Jordan. Alright!"
Posted by: Hal at February 27, 2008 4:25 PM
1. Hope you're feeling better. Don't know if you can have it (though it shouldn't have any gluten), but v8 fusion juice is amazing and packed with healthy stuff to make you feel better.
2. I'm thinking about getting an Iphone (using my networking connections to get a discount). Likes? Dislikes? any issues I should be aware of?
3. (you know the routine)
4. I'm possibly recruiting a new member to "The Bonnie Cult" tomorrow. I'm giving a little Actor 101 to the guy I've been seeing (he's only been in town for 4 or 5 months...pictures on my myspace under the Vday pix)
Posted by: Amy at February 29, 2008 12:08 AM
CJC, "Family Guy" is greatness! :) Love it!
Hal, you are crazy. ;) And 90210-soundtrack absence just goes to show you HOW SICK I was!! ;) Hope your show is/was going great!
Amy--Thank you for the tip, everything I did not like about my iPhone they have FIXED in firmware updates (well, except for the stuff that it's just not capable of--like running Spotlight or doing copy-and-paste), and HUGE thank you for turning people on to how yummy the Kool-Aid is. ;) You rock!! :) Thank you.
Posted by: Bon at March 2, 2008 8:47 PM