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March 8, 2008
Class of '88
So, I got word last month that my 20 year high school reunion was coming up here in August. (I'm currently on page two of the "Where Are They Now?" area of the website.)

Let's just say that I probably had it pretty good in high school--certainly better than I thought I had it at the time--and that my life was most like that of Andie in Pretty in Pink: creative, brilliant, from the wrong side of the tracks and very lucky to live just close enough to the edge of the city limits to attend such a good school filled with rich kids from two-parent households with loads of privilege they didn't appreciate, passionate, outspoken, in tighter with the upperclassmen and teachers than my peers, and so ready to get the hell out of there that I was ticking off days like a prisoner by the end of it all.
So, why is it that I find myself both horrified by and completely obsessed with the idea of going back for the 20-year?
(It's certainly not the prospect of reprising my one night stand with that cute guy from homeroom like at the 10-year reunion, is it? Nah.)
Posted by bonnie at March 8, 2008 10:14 PM
You know Bonnie, I read your Blog quite regular. I don't always have a comment to print being in a different world. You are always interesting. I have a question....Where do you find the time?
Posted by: steveintx at March 9, 2008 7:18 AM
The time to reminisce about sleeping with cute homeroom boy ten years ago? Oh, I always have time for THAT! :)
Posted by: bon at March 9, 2008 1:13 PM
So, why is it that I find myself both horrified by and completely obsessed with the idea of going back for the 20-year?
(It's certainly not the prospect of reprising my one night stand with that cute guy from homeroom like at the 10-year reunion, is it? Nah.)
Actually, yah!
Posted by: Hal at March 11, 2008 2:36 PM
Pretty much. ;)
Posted by: CJC at March 12, 2008 9:31 AM