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March 15, 2008
Déjà Vu!
Remember about three years ago when I was OBSESSED with finding the damn touch-up paint for my car?
And then I finally just broke down and bought some more?

Yeah, well, here we are again. After having left my 1990 Mazda Miata touch-up paint OUT! On the entertainment center! Every day! For over two years! So I would always know where it was! And never lose it again!, I had to go and fix a hole.

And damn if I can find the effin' touch-up paint I bought in 2005 to replace the touch-up paint I bought in 1989.

And the rainy and windy winter has caused a need to touch up a couple of spots on the TicTac.
And SONOFABITCH, I have to buy that shit again.
And I'm still obsessed, knowing I could tear this house apart and find TWO bottles of touch-up paint for my Miata... if I just had the time.
*grumble* *grumble* *obsession* *grumble*
I break down and buy the stuff again. (It's all of six bucks, so why do I care (beyond the obsession), right?) And it arrives on Thursday afternoon.
Guess what Keith finds today while throwing out computer equipment in anticipation of the arrival of his new 8-Core Mac Pro.
Yup. One of the two aforementioned bottles of Miata Touch-Up Paint.

Posted by bonnie at March 15, 2008 10:22 PM
Reminds me of the time I spent about ten minutes looking for my car keys when they were in my left hand the entire time!
Senior, meet my good friend Moment.
Posted by: Hal at March 16, 2008 1:09 PM
Haaaaa! That's a hoot. (But not at all funny, of course.) Isn't is a bitch??? :)
Posted by: bon at March 16, 2008 1:29 PM
LOL....and as a fellow obsessive devotee, the worst part is you know there is still one more can out there.
Of course, I always say I'm not obsessive, just conscientious. Its part of my grand scheme of living in denial. Which has actually been quite lovely (cough) ;)
Posted by: CJC at March 16, 2008 5:26 PM